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I continue my series of articles on the topic of breathing problems. Today we'll talk about panic attacks. Panic attacks are a very common complaint with which patients come to therapy. A panic attack is a whole set of characteristic symptoms: increased blood pressure (some sources write that only the upper pressure increases, but in practice both the upper and lower pressure increases, sometimes reaching 200 to 100), rapid heartbeat, sweating, chills, dizziness from -due to hyperventilation of the lungs, caused by an attempt to inhale more air and an excess of oxygen in the blood, numbness of various parts of the body. The most important and recognizable thing about a panic attack is the fear of death. During an attack, a person feels very bad and scared. Often people experiencing panic attacks experience a feeling of shortness of breath. This is due to a sharp decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. At the same time, the brain continues to send signals to the nervous and vegetative-vascular systems to work at full strength, there is a desire to breathe often and deeply, as before an escape or a fight, but this just doesn’t work. The huge amount of adrenaline in the blood causes vasoconstriction, which allows blood flow to the muscles, allowing you to fight or flee. The pressure rises. Unfortunately, panic attacks, if they have already begun to occur, tend to recur, and in some cases turn into panic disorder: the expectation of a panic attack in any situation that does not necessarily relate to the onset of a panic attack provokes stronger and more frequent attacks. In addition, after experiencing a panic attack, a person may believe that he is seriously ill with something, and not every doctor reacts correctly to the situation without finding any illnesses in the patient. Few doctors realize that the problem is mental, and the patient needs a psychotherapist. Therefore, the person himself is in constant stress, thinks about his health, which also affects the frequency of panic attacks, further convincing the person that everything is very bad with him. Interestingly, people behave very differently during a panic attack. In one case, this is a very violent reaction, involving all relatives in the situation, calling an ambulance, relatives holding hands. In another case, which happens less frequently, a person manages to suffer a panic attack in a public place or among relatives without showing it outwardly. Usually a person cannot show a panic attack because it is extremely embarrassing for him. And in the first case, a panic attack that attracts everyone's attention partially relieves the patient, since unexpressed emotions reacted by the vegetative system somehow evoke attention, fear, and even horror in loved ones. In another, the Super-ego is so rigid that even in a state of panic it is more important not to show your condition, otherwise it will be a shame. Obviously, forbidden emotions are perceived by the patient as terrible to such an extent that it is impossible to show even the reverse side of these emotions, even their vegetative response. On the other hand, not allowing you to approach your inner state even in the event of a panic attack is also a matter of boundaries. Because to endure mortal horror, worrying only that relatives or employees at work do not notice what is happening, is a complete impossibility of showing your true self. True, the level of horror during panic attacks is different for all people; it can be an unpleasant anxiety (still based on the fear of death), or it can be a real fatal uncontrollable horror. An attack can last on average 20 minutes, often less, but sometimes even up to an hour. In very rare cases longer. Emergency medical care helps you get out of an attack, but you can ease the severity of the attack yourself by concentrating on the situation around you. You can silently name the objects in the room, count some little things, look at pictures, exhale into a bag or into your closed palms, sing songs, +7-953-148-29-97
