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We humans always receive the most serious mental trauma and stress from loved ones - this is a well-known fact. And no matter how much we suffer, no matter how much we are offended or, on the contrary, feel guilty, it is not so easy to resolve the consequences in our soul. Many have been carrying around the “heavy backpacks” of past conflicts for years and cannot free themselves. Some people think that in order to be free, you just need to talk correctly with another person, explain the situation to him, and finally figure out who was right and who was wrong. Unfortunately, this almost never works. On the contrary, it can only deepen hostility and misunderstanding. If this weighs on you and constantly weighs down like a “heavy stone on your soul,” don’t despair! Divorces, conflicts with parents, quarrels with friends are natural. This is called life. And it would be strange if such a complex natural mechanism as man did not initially have an effective harmonization system built into it. And it exists, just not everyone is familiar with the instructions! Both sides are actually not needed to resolve the conflict, especially if one of the parties is against it. Are you the one who is worried? Then you are enough. You can talk to any person virtually, as if inviting him to sit next to you. This is especially true in cases where the second participant in the conflict died, and you still did not have time to figure it out... This has nothing to do with spiritualistic seances. The fact is that at the soul level we are all connected and know everything about each other. Your task is to create a conversation between your soul and the soul of this loved one. We all have access to other people's souls 24 hours a day, no matter how far this person is. And you don’t need to do any rituals, sit in special meditation, etc. Everything is simpler. When I ask my clients to describe how they see and feel their soul, they usually describe it as: slightly higher above the body, light blue in color. And from the feelings there is only complete calm and deep love for the soul on the contrary. And the feeling of meeting a very old and very beloved acquaintance. When souls meet eyes (and everyone always feels this very clearly), there is such a deep understanding of what is happening, as if everything had been agreed upon in advance, and the quarrels and showdowns around are just a game. Great joy and relief come, and guilt, resentment and forgiveness generally become strange and inappropriate. This way you can free yourself from the burden once and for all if you have good biofield sensitivity and know how to maintain a high concentration of consciousness for 10-20 minutes. If you cannot enter such a subtle substance as your own soul yourself, you need a “guide” - a person who, sitting next to you, will accompany you with his energy, the necessary questions and support. Don't carry emotional weights around, they make your body hurt. Just an hour (sometimes two) - and what you have been grinding in your thoughts for years will stop tormenting you. And you will gain such an amazing experience of feeling your soul and the soul of another person, which will open up new horizons for you in your life..
