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From the author: All articles in this series are chapters of my book “Public Speaking. Workshop”. If you are interested in this topic, then you can find all the previous chapters on this site, and subsequent ones will be published here a little later INTRODUCTION. This is not a chapter from a book. In this article I will continue the story about the types of people who enter into communication with you: at a meeting, at a job interview, at a forum, and indeed in any public places. These people ask you about something, sometimes it is due to interest in the topic of communication, sometimes to you personally, sometimes for completely different reasons. In the previous article, I already said that I believe that this particular part of my book on public speaking, like no other, resonates with the forum in particular, and with Internet communication in general. When someone asks you something, provokes you, attacks or, on the contrary, supports, what or who do you think this means? About you? Partly - yes (just a little)). Basically, this characterizes exactly the one who asks (trolls or supports). And it seems that this is obvious. And I wouldn’t even focus on this if it weren’t for one BUT. I see that quite often people get caught on the hooks of trolls, enter into unnecessary polemics where it is completely unnecessary and destructive. So, I present to your attention another excerpt from the book “Public Speaking. Workshop”. We are talking about public speaking, but types are found absolutely everywhere. The world is universal. There are all these groups on our forum. Perhaps you will recognize someone, and perhaps yourself. In this article I will talk about four bright types: about a friend, about an interested person, and also about two professors (good and evil). You can read about posers and actors in the last article, and I will describe five more types in the next one. Unlike the characters described in the last article, three of the four heroes of this article are good and kind, I wish there were more of them! And in general, I I am sure that there is much more good in life than it sometimes seems, it’s just that the bad is more distinct and prominent, and that’s what catches your eye. Types. Continuation. Is the chapter of the book FRIEND WHO IS IT. Usually this is really your friend or a well-known person who is not so much interested in your answer as in the opportunity to give you a chance to look decent in front of an audience. Most often, before the talk, he will tell you that he will ask a question and usually elaborate on it, giving you the opportunity to prepare in advance. MOTIV. Either your friend just wants to help you, or he expects from you a mutual service of equal value. Most often, the motives are combined with each other. HOW TO ANSWER. Answer calmly and confidently, because you have prepared in advance. ERRORS. It would be a mistake if you show that you knew about this question in advance, for example, you start answering without finishing the question, or you smile too widely, demonstrating with your appearance a situation called “a piano in the bushes.” INTERESTED WHO IT IS. This is the person who needs your information. He does not play any roles, he just wants to ask something or clarify with you, as a person who, in his opinion, understands this issue. If there are a majority of such people in the audience, consider yourself lucky, but only if you are truly a professional in the issue being covered. MOTIV. This person does not seek to support or drown you, he is simply interested. HOW TO ANSWER. If you were really able to interest people in your report, then it was a success. Answer boldly and confidently, do not be afraid of reasoning, if, of course, you have it. The more fully you respond to such a person, the more successful your overall performance will look. Sometimes the answers to questions are remembered much more than the performance itself. ERRORS. It would be a mistake if you pay little attention to this question and do not answer fully enough by moving on to the questions asked by some of the characters that will be described below. You'll just miss your chance. GOOD PROFESSOR WHO IS THIS. This, of course, is not!
