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From the author: In modern society, most women are faced with the problem of “femininity”. The whole point is that women are so forced or carried away by performing male functions that they forget about their feminine identity. And in principle, femininity cannot dominate in such behavior. Therefore, I draw your attention, dear women, to this moment. After all, it is femininity that makes men especially interested in us! So, my dear readers, today I want to talk to you about what the secret of femininity lies. Femininity (femininity) is a set of qualities traditionally attributed to women or expected from women, such as sensitivity, tenderness, gentleness, sacrifice, compassion. The concept of femininity includes both biological and social and cultural elements and is not associated exclusively with the female biological sex. Well, we have given the scientific definition of femininity. Now let's move on to the femininity that men expect from us. Femininity through the eyes of a man is tenderness, emotionality, fragility, loyalty, sincerity and, of course, sexuality. All this encourages a man to protect and protect a woman. The concept of femininity also includes biological, cultural and social aspects. Femininity is not clothes or appearance. Not long hair (although it looks great) and not super combat makeup. Femininity is the ability to hold oneself, a special manner of behavior, the ability to be light and flirtatious. In fact, there are a lot of definitions of femininity, but today my task is to show you, my dears, what small and sometimes even very significant particles ours consists of Femininity. You cannot immediately become feminine with the wave of a wand if this state, manners and habits have not been instilled since childhood. And you and I must understand this. Now I will tell you one secret that you may know about... Every girl born on this planet is already born with this trait. But not everyone manages to develop and maintain this quality throughout their lives. You will ask why? And I will answer you: “Because that’s how we are raised.” Especially if we talk about modern society, where a woman takes on a male role, completely forgetting that she is a woman... And today, of course, a serious problem for most women remains the question: “How to preserve and develop your femininity”? Well, , let’s begin to analyze our main topic: “What little things make up a woman’s feminine image?” Of course, for my part, I can say that in principle there are no little things in life, every little detail performs its important function. A million details for one image “ femininity": · charm · sexuality; · mystery; · the ability to flirt and flirt; · pleasantness in communication; · development of creative thinking; · lightness; · the ability to look like a woman; · sincerity; · naturalness; · relaxation;. smiling;. cheerfulness. These are not all the details of femininity. Remember, different men have different concepts about femininity. Which image to choose depends directly on the woman herself. The main thing is to be able to identify all the natural data in yourself and be able to develop them. Secrets of femininity Femininity, of course, needs to be developed. And you can learn this. Many people try to do this on their own. One of the important skills of femininity is “Communication skills” Communication skills: First of all, femininity is associated with charm, and a charming person can find a common language with any person. Self-presentation: whether we women know how to present ourselves depends on and in what image we present ourselves, it depends on what opinion our environment forms about us. What image do we choose, the image of a defenseless girl or a magically attractive priestess, queen! Women's wisdom. This concept includes.
