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Today is about social expectations and gender stereotypes of the emotional response of men and women.🧔🏻‍♂The traditional male role implies: strength, social success, competitiveness, competence and self-control.💪🏻Encouraged: expression of anger, joy, but associated with victory, conquest, achievement of power. Suppression and denial: sadness, fear and guilt, hiding tenderness, intimacy and affection. Ignoring your emotional problems and resolving them without the help of others. 🙅🏻‍♂Society prohibits and condemns the open expression of men’s feelings: cry tears, judging it as immaturity and instability, a ban on self-disclosure and discussion of one’s emotional experiences with other people. According to the stereotype of masculinity, any emotional display other than the expression of anger is considered a sign of weakness and can lead to a loss of respect from others. Self-disclosure can result in rejection, ridicule, and betrayal. 🤦🏻‍♂Negative consequences of such gender requirements for a man: ➖loss of intimacy, satisfaction and, as a result, impoverishment and destruction of love, friendship, parental and other relationships;➖decreased sensitivity to pain caused to others;➖do not provide or accept support;➖ loss of the ability to recognize and express emotions, addictions. 👩🏻‍🦰Stereotypes for femininity: open expression of emotions, expressiveness, manifestation of intimacy, emotional dependence on the opposite sex, immersion in love, empathy, ability to restrain and avoid anger and aggression, smiling, cheerfulness, demonstration of joy. Compliance with these norms creates a fear of staying alone, to be abandoned, to jeopardize your relationships with other people. A sad, angry, aggressive woman is rejected and condemned by public opinion, because no one likes an angry woman. Calm, cheerful and friendly women are accepted and approved. And the emotions of anger and rage are regarded as hysteria. 🤦🏼‍♀Consequences of women’s desire to follow the gender role: suppression of anger and aggression leads to depression, the formation of somatic symptoms: headaches, insomnia, fatigue, decreased sexual desire.❓The reason for gender differences in emotional response are social norms, differences in the upbringing of boys and girls in the family, as well as other institutions of socialization, where there is disapproval and encouragement of behavior that corresponds to traditional gender roles. But in fact, there are many more similarities between a man and a woman than differences. Both men and women have equal emotionality (the strength of experiencing emotions ), but due to social expectations, they differ in the degree of external expression of feelings. Men are just as capable as women of identifying the feelings of others and their own, but are afraid to show it for fear of being judged..
