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You can buy time. You can't buy interest. He either exists or he doesn't. Interest in a person, in his soul, in his story cannot be faked, portrayed, played. People feel when someone is interested in them. And they feel when they are uninteresting. If a person needs you, but you are not interesting. Isn't this alarming? Very similar to use. If there are no visible material resources, you can use invisible moral or psychological ones. Maybe “listen to me always” ears. "Look at me always" eyes. Admiration "Admire me always." If mom loved in this way, “you are our smartest and most talented, so show us what kind of son we have, go and win.” And if not, then I don’t know you. In general, if he’s great, he’ll hold him to his heart, if not, he’ll tell him to go to hell. Each person is unique for us if we tend to be interested in the person’s personality. All people are the same if the interest lies in the area of ​​profit. Fourteen final exams I accepted work on the practice of psychological counseling in three days. Fourteen human souls, stories, aspirations. Fourteen hours of sighs, sobs, sobs. After three days, impressed by the work of the students, I found myself romanticizing. “If angels exist, here they are,” I thought with admiration. The clients were not easy, real living people, as they say, “from the street.” In some places it was difficult even for me “behind the scenes”. What can we say about graduates? But when a specialist experiences genuine interest in a person who is inconvenient and difficult, this is worthy of respect. A psychologist, like any other person, may also need something, for example, to pass an exam, to earn money. But if there is no interest, no living human interest, the client feels it. This can be seen from the outside. Maybe that’s why the psychologist, as clients sometimes complain, is somehow “not like that.” Maybe because they are completely different personalities? But again, after all, someone who is not similar can be interesting? I think maybe. And if not, then what blocks interest in a different person? Intolerance of the other with some of its manifestations? Then this is a reason to go for supervision. In general, supervision for a psychologist is a necessary sanitary norm. Although there is such a life client scenario - to find a partner, a person, a psychologist who is similar to the parent and try to death with him to build the communication that he wanted with the parent, but did not succeed. And as luck would have it, a partner, a person, a psychologist comes across the same, breathes and looks the same and does not see or feel the same. That's all. Dead end and disappointment. Only a psychologist, unlike a partner, prepares for such meetings thoroughly and purposefully. Therefore, you should not despair if you suddenly “run into it.” It is important to first talk about what is bothering you. I agree that there is a risk here too and you can run into even greater disfavor. Yes, it’s sad, but it happens. And sometimes, that important dialogue happens that didn’t happen in childhood. Secondly, don’t be afraid to leave if you haven’t heard. And even more so, leave if it’s a problem. Thirdly, don’t stop and keep looking. There are good psychologists. I had the good fortune to see at least seven of these the other day..
