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From the author: Read about how a child’s activity and the development of his speech are interconnected here. Man is endowed with a unique ability that distinguishes him from animals; he can speak. And since speech is a means of communication in oral or written form, in preschool age it is very important for a child to master his native language. A child learns to speak after barely living on earth for a year or two. Already at this age, the child needs speech in order to express his feelings, emotions, desires, to interact with the outside world. The child’s speech is formed in communication with adults and peers. By communicating, the child develops cognitive needs; through speech he acquires knowledge that becomes his property. Timely mastery of speech contributes to the full mental development of the child. Developed speech is: success in studies, in communication, in later life. Speech is the coordinated work of the brain and parts of the nervous system and speech is carried out with the participation of the leading channels of perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and motor analyzers (lips, tongue, etc. .). In order for a child to understand the meaning of a word, he must include all three leading channels of perception. I.P. Pavlov believed that speech is muscle sensations going to the cerebral cortex from the speech apparatus. Motor activity (including the activity of the hands and fingers) and speech in humans occurs in parallel. Scientists have proven that training fine movements of the fingers develops more perfect speech. The ability to perform coordinated and precise actions with your hands and fingers is called fine motor skills. The need to master fine motor skills is dictated by human life. From childhood, he learns to take care of himself, participate in games, and express himself in creativity. Developed fine motor skills help the child gain social experience, and this contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem. That is why in preschool age it is important to teach a child to sculpt, draw, glue, cut, etc. Underdevelopment of fine motor skills in many children causes difficulties in manipulative actions, and if an adult is dissatisfied that the child is not succeeding, this creates anxiety in the child and often forces child refuse to perform actions. It is very important to support children with encouragement in the process of developing fine motor skills, and to help at a younger age. This stimulates the child to tell a story and is an additional source of speech development, encouraging him not to be afraid or embarrassed. The development of fine motor skills is necessary for a preschooler to master object actions; mastery of object actions develops not only fingers and hands, but also enriches his thinking and conceptual apparatus, this expands the child’s sphere of knowledge. Modern children have little opportunity to learn many operations with scissors, clay, fabric, etc. older children, who used to tell them how to do it, have to teach their children to their parents. The sooner a preschooler learns to cut, sculpt, glue and at the same time explain what he is doing, and the kids try to talk so that they are understood, the better your child’s fine motor skills and speech will be developed. Speech and motor functions contribute to the activation of speech processes. Fantasize with your baby, and in the future it will be easy for him to assimilate information about the world around him. Good luck!
