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Astrological forecast for September 2016 September is replete with astrological events. First of all, it begins on the 30th lunar day - the day of Highest Harmony, Love, forgiveness, spiritual growth. Its symbol is the Golden Swan. An annular solar eclipse will take place at 12:02. It will occur at 9 degrees Virgo. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon is part of the T-square in opposition to Neptune and the square to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn. The top of the T-square in any astrological chart always “pulls” all the energy onto itself. This means that if you have some important points at 9-15 degrees Sagittarius, it is on their theme that the main events will unfold during the period of the eclipse. Moreover, the conflict will arise from the spheres of life subordinate to the houses of the horoscope where your signs Virgo and Pisces are located. And it will be reflected, first of all, in the sphere of life, which in your chart is under the jurisdiction of Sagittarius. For example, in the eclipse chart built for Krasnodar (also for Moscow), the conjunction of the Sun and Moon (eclipse point) falls in the Xth house, Neptune (in opposition to the eclipse point) - in the IV. And the top of the T-square (conjunction of Mars and Saturn) is in the 1st. The eclipse point actualizes issues of social status, professional fulfillment, fame, glory, reputation, relations with those in power, government agencies, and on a smaller scale - with superiors and parents. The 4th house raises issues of family, connections with family, parental home, and real estate. Neptune gives these topics a touch of illusoryness, deception, fraud, distorts perception by the effects of alcohol, drugs, mental disorders or psychological problems. The opposition can manifest itself through loss of reputation due to a hereditary predisposition to mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, due to lies, deception or delusions, susceptibility to fraud by someone in the household. Unfair possession of real estate may attract the interest of government authorities. The opposition may reveal an imbalance between the interests of family and work, etc. And the conflict will directly affect the personality of the card holder: his appearance, behavior, character, health (increased injury rate). The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in itself leads to incorrect calculation of one’s forces, overexertion, incorrect choice of the moment for action, methods and means for adequate interaction, which increases the risk of rupture of ligaments and muscle fibers, increases household injuries, the level of conflict, irritability, and leads to rupture relationships. Against the background of Mercury retrograde, the likelihood of making mistakes, miscalculations, and misunderstandings increases significantly. The meaning of the conjunction of Mars and Saturn is the development of concentration skills, the highest degree of development of which is possible only with absolute relaxation and calmness, stopping the internal dialogue, and developing extrasensory sensitivity. On the one hand, the practice of concentration contributes to the development of hypersensitivity, on the other hand, it is its result in its highest manifestation. The area of ​​life where the conjunction of Mars and Saturn falls in your chart is a “testing ground” for developing this quality. In order to determine topic of the eclipse and work through it in meditation, watch the video below (on Facebook) about the lunar eclipse. The essence of meditation during a Solar Eclipse is the manifestation of what you want to realize in your life. During a Lunar Eclipse, we first work to eliminate what we don’t like, and then we manifest it. And during a Solar Eclipse, we first manifest, and then work with the blocks of manifestation. Everything else coincides. The next important event of the month will be the entry of Jupiter into the sign of Libra on September 9. Jupiter expands the sphere of life where it finds itself. On tense aspects, he is prone to violating boundaries, taking over, suppressing, and expanding. On harmonious aspects, it develops, strengthens, and patronizes. Libra is responsible for the sphere of any interpersonal interaction, andalso - beauty, harmony, grace, art. This means that the number of contacts, partners, clients, contracts during the period when Jupiter is in the sign of Libra will increase. But it is worth remembering their legibility and selectivity during the period of Mercury retrograde, and subsequently Venus retrograde. We will also want to pay more attention to our appearance, we will be drawn to expensive and beautiful things, and our interest in art will increase. In general, it is a good time for cosmetologists, makeup artists, beauty consultants, image makers, fashion designers, designers, artists, as the number of people interested in their activities will increase significantly. On September 22, the Sun will also enter the sign of Libra, which will intensify the above trends for about a month. Well, the house of your natal chart where the sign Libra is located will receive an additional source of energy and will acquire the greatest significance for you. On September 23, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio. This event, on the one hand, will give feelings special drama, passion, and depth. On the other hand, it will increase interest in the topics of sex, death, magic, esotericism, and transformation. Someone will be drawn to extreme sports, they will want to tickle their nerves by experiencing mental anguish or “walk on the razor’s edge”, testing fate. And some people prefer to torture their loved ones with attacks of jealousy and envy. Similar, but short-term trends may visit us during the square of Venus and Pluto on September 11th. But this is only true if there is some aspect of Venus and Pluto in your chart, or if Venus, passing through Scorpio, aspects some important point in your chart. On September 16, at 22:04 there will be a Lunar Eclipse. It will occur at 24 degrees of the sign of Pisces. The eclipse chart still forms a T-square, but without Saturn at the apex. More precisely, there will be two T-squares. One that is most interesting for us, since it is based on the opposition of the Sun and the Moon (the actual point of the eclipse). And at its top is Mars (still in the sign of Sagittarius). Another T-square, at the base of which lies the opposition of Mercury and Neptune, and at the top – Saturn. The opposition of the Sun and the Moon always actualizes the issues of balance of Yin and Yang in our body and our life. This is the balance of masculine and feminine, work and rest, action and rest, acceptance and giving, excitement and inhibition, etc. Balance leads to harmony and manifests itself both within each individual person and in interaction with the outside world and people around him. It also manifests itself in accepting our male and female energy and part of the Soul, regardless of what body we are embodied in today. The essence of balance is the manifestation of the feminine or masculine part of oneself to a necessary and sufficient extent in accordance with the situation and regardless of gender. Mars at the top of the T-square will show how balanced we are through correct timely action or destruction in the area of ​​life or relationships where it falls 21-27 degrees of the sign Sagittarius or Gemini. This is the place on the material of which the Soul has chosen today to hone its skills of timely action. The opposition of Mercury and Neptune again brings us back to the issues of understanding and accepting one’s own and others’ truth and their difference from the Truth. This can manifest itself in situations of misunderstanding, illusions, deception, fraud, delusions, exposure to other people’s influence, inadequate judgment, “brain fog” due to the effects of alcohol or drugs. And this will “result” in violation of boundaries, situations of pressure, conflicts with law enforcement officials, as well as foreigners, representatives of other faiths, ideological disputes, ideological differences. The eclipse practice is presented in the August 18 Lunar Eclipse video (below on Facebook). On September 27, Mars enters the sign of Capricorn. A great place for Mars, where it finds its worthy use. Our actions become more targeted, rational and effective. It is important to show the goal, and Mars will rush to achieve it with passion. On September 21, Mercury becomes direct, but for another 7 days]
