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"Everything is as old as the hills!" This phrase can be repeated and repeated. Everything is cyclical and periodic. And even if something is forgotten: elements of fashion, handicrafts, etc., then after a generation, sometimes less, it returns. For example, now the fashion for embroidery has been revived. Although there was a period when embroidery was done only in school during labor lessons, but among the grandmothers and great-grandmothers of my generation, it was the main type of needlework. Napkins, bedspreads, pillowcases, pillows... Maybe also out of necessity. It was necessary to somehow decorate the interior. In the new century, the passion for embroidery is also not only a way to occupy oneself, but also to decorate the walls of the house with embroidered paintings. I remember before they were flowers, but now they are just works of art - copies of paintings by famous artists and natural landscapes in beautiful baguettes. Why am I talking about this? Yes, there are things that are repeated in cycles of clothing fashion, hobbies, etc. But there are things that are eternal, we just forget about them, and sometimes we don’t even know about them. This is the worldly wisdom of relationships. It cannot be cyclical - whether there is wisdom or not. I would like to give you an excerpt from the Arab-Persian fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” without commentary. If you believe history, these fairy tales have been around for more than 10 centuries. The wisdom of these fairy tales has been translated and combined into one by psychologist and training leader Mark Ifraimov. And so read... Scheherazade was the daughter of the vizier of King Shahriyar and her father, the vizier, was so smart that he married a very wise woman, who bore him two daughters: Scheherazade and Dunyazade. Mom taught her daughters how to behave with a man in order to turn his anger to mercy and be not just desired by him, but necessary. When Scheherazade was 14 years old and she realized that she had become a girl, her mother called her to the chambers where there was no other people's ears and told her these words: “Allah is great and merciful and may He help you understand once and for all the 4 rules that a woman must follow if she wants to enjoy her wife’s happiness and well-being. Rule One, my daughter: play by the rules that The man offers you. Otherwise, he will become angry and he will unleash his power on you. Remember, when a hard force, like a merciless knife, is approaching you, become softer than butter, so that it does not cause you any harm. The soft cannot harm. a man offers you his game, offer him your game so that he believes that it is his game. What do you remember, my girl?” - Accept the game that the man offers me and be soft enough in this game to start with him his game."My good girl. Now remember Rule Two: Always encourage the man to continue the game. Remember, as long as the game continues, he will need you and will think that he loves you. Tell me, how did you understand this rule?” - I understood, mom, that as long as I play with a man, he is interested in me, and he will love me. “Truly Allah is above you, my daughter. Your wisdom makes me calm about your fate. Now the Third Rule that you need to remember: no matter how cruel and angry your man comes to you, shine on him so that he is under the rays of the sun in your your heart melted and relaxed, like a lion after a hearty meal. Men are looking for resistance to feel stronger. Don’t let your man see strength in you, otherwise his mind will become clouded and he will think that you are a man. And then there will be a fight in yours. the heart and gentleness of your soul will defeat your lion faster than all the armies with which he is ready to fight. What did you understand, oh my wise girl?” - I realized that when a man comes to me, I must love him with all my heart and accept his mood , so that peace returns to his heart and his mind calms down. “How smart you are, Scheherazade. “May the mercy of Allah be with you,” said Scheherazade’s mother and continued, “Now the Fourth Rule, my girl: When your man gets ready to go about his business, let him go with such faith in yourself, as if you were letting him go into the next room. Never tremble that he will find someone better than you. Remember: there are so few people in the world who know how to play with men, that.
