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From the author: Why do we work with the body? - tension and heaviness from a long, motionless sitting on a chair, a tense position in front of the computer, heaviness and tension affect work and its effectiveness. - stress from unresolved problems. conflicts affect relationships with loved ones and work colleagues. Varicose veins worry many, but not everyone realizes what influences the development of the disease. In medicine, varicose veins mean dilation of superficial veins, which is accompanied by impaired blood flow and malfunction of the venous valves. Blood pumps the heart .Down through the legs, blood flows through the veins, thanks to the force of gravity, without effort. But! back! We need significant effort from our “pump.” “Nature has made this task a little easier and created a complex vein structure. Special valves stop the flow in a dosed manner and wait for the next heartbeat to allow the next batch of blood to pass through. The work of the muscles in the correct load mode (walking, running) helps push the blood flow through the veins. The dilation of the veins from a strongly restrained blood flow (such as sitting for a long time in one position) and, as a consequence, an increase in the distance between the natural dampers contributes to the opening of the valves. The flow is not restrained by anything.. Varicose veins is a disease that manifests itself in an increase in the size of veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the venous walls. And this is an explanation from a medical point of view. What affects the development of this disease from a psychological point of view. Psychological causes of varicose veins. - Being in a situation , which you hate, - loss of strength, discouragement, - the feeling of being overworked and too overloaded. Emotional blockages. A person suffering from varicose veins wants to have more freedom and free time, but he does not know what to do for this. He overexerts himself, and many tasks and problems seem overwhelming to him, as he tends to exaggerate their seriousness. Mental blocking. The stronger the feeling of heaviness in the legs, for example, the harder life seems. Perhaps it’s time to understand that not everything in this life is determined by the word “should.” “Questions when working with clients: - What does your body feel at the moment? - The answer will reflect the attitude towards the person or situation that provoked the problem. -What does this disease prevent me from doing? -The answer..will allow you to determine what desires are blocked. -What is this disease forcing me to do? -If you start the answer with the particle “no”, it will make it possible to find out what desires are blocked._-If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change? - The answer to this question will determine the depth of the need, blocked by some false idea laid down, for example, in childhood (I wanted to become an artist, but the family of hereditary doctors. My parents insisted on enrolling in medical ).-If I allowed myself to be..(insert answer to the previous question), what terrible or unacceptable would happen in my life?_-The answer will reveal the fear that blocks the desire and need for self-realization, thus creating physical problem. From practice. A man and woman have been married for more than 10 years. He abuses alcohol, insults her, beats her. She carries the burden of family problems on herself... There has been no mutual understanding in the family for a long time. The woman is not happy with this situation, but she does not dare to take a decisive step and break off the relationship. Fear of the future becomes an obstacle to easy and free movement forward. A young woman who doesn’t work anywhere. Her husband is a big businessman. She does not experience a lack of money. Relations with her husband are smooth, life is smooth. She looks great and the only thing that bothers her is frequent headaches and heaviness in her legs, there is a slight dilation of the veins (initial stage). It became common knowledge It’s clear that she often thinks about what the future might hold for her. She experiences fear and anxiety “It seems to me that something might happen to my husband and then what will happen to me.. Of course, working with clients in dialogue and helping them understand how to relate to.
