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A person continuously interacts with the world around him, with objectively existing reality. And it’s no secret that not only the world around us influences a person, but a person is also capable of influencing the world around him. True, not everyone realizes the power and scale of their own influence on the world around them. A person sets a goal at the level of consciousness. Often this goal remains a goal at the level of consciousness. And it becomes unclear to the person why the goal was not achieved, despite the fact that he did not sit, but acted. But we remember well that the consciousness thinks, and the subconscious controls. If the goal is transferred to the level of the subconscious, then IT - this subconscious begins to organize the process of achieving the goal, organizing correct interaction with the outside world, and then the person’s actions become purposeful. Achieving a goal becomes real, and moving towards it becomes comfortable. In this case, they say that the power of intention begins to work. An internal state that does not allow for the possibility of not achieving a goal. You feel the difference - I want to go to London, and I intend to go to London. In the latter case, I just want to ask the question - when are you going, have you already bought a ticket? Achieving a set goal, a person creates some new event. The power of intention literally works wonders. The influence of a person on subsequent events becomes very noticeable. But there is one very important point. The goal must be set correctly. The goal must be real - under the control of a person, realistic in terms of the timing of achievement and the magnitude of the result obtained. If these conditions are violated, then the power of intention can lead to results that a person may not be entirely happy with or even make him experience unpleasant moments. A person can set a goal based not on his resources that he currently has, but on his “wants.” But even with a “high” bar, the power of intention works wonders - the goal is still achieved. But not in a natural way. Instead of getting what he wants from the world around him, having achieved the goal in a natural and problem-free way - as a result of an honest exchange, it seems as if a person is “scooping out of reality” what he wanted. He receives what he wants not as a natural gift from the abundant Universe, but literally takes it from it. And now one fresh example. One client took my financial abundance training program. He had his own small trucking business. At the beginning of the training, he set a goal over the next three months to achieve a stable profit of 2.5 times the current one. For a small business, growing 2.5 times is realistic. We're not talking about millions of dollars. But the period of three months alarmed me. My practice has shown that such growth rates require a longer period of time. But my client was unshakable. He stood his ground and argued that the ground had already been created for this. Seeing this man’s strong intention in achieving his goal, I did not insist on my own. Indeed, the financial results obtained after the first and second months of operation indicated that it was quite possible to achieve a profit of 2.5 times more in the third month. But the third month gave him an unexpected surprise. The month started with a downtime. For eight days of the month the transport stood still and there were no orders. A situation arose in the services market that he could not have foreseen. The client tried to make money on new routes, but it did not produce results. The prospect was this: the person would not receive 1/3 of his profit and would not achieve the desired result. And the strength of his intention was, as you remember, very strong. And at the end of the downtime period, an “interesting” event happens to him. One of the cars gets into an accident. No one was injured except the car itself. And for this reason, a person receives car insurance in the amount that was enough to completely restore the car plus on top of it?
