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From the author: psychotherapist, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league (Moscow), educational psychologist, NLP master, TV program expert, existential neuroprogramming specialist, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, sexologist, trainer, coach. I think that this article will be of interest to all those who often think about their future and see it not in the best colors. In this regard, as a practicing psychotherapist, I want to tell you one secret. The way the human psyche works is that there are people who live in the past. Here lie our grievances, guilt, unforgiveness - everything that has to do with the past. Further, there are people who live in fears, and this already relates to our future. Well, the happiest are those who live in the present: here and now, but Unfortunately, there are not as many of them as we would like. This is very clearly visible when I work as a psychotherapist with the client’s life line. His past is encoded there - everything that happened to him. There is also a future, which, by the way, can be changed. So, on the line of life there is a point of the present state, and people who live in the past, they stand not in the present state, but as if behind, and those who live in the future, they, on the contrary, beyond the point of the present, already in the future. Well, when the theory has become more or less clear to you, allow me, dear readers, to move on to practice. As for negative forecasts, I want to tell you about one interesting work that serves as an illustration of all of the above. I I worked with a client from Moscow forty-seven years old, and everything would have been fine, but the “Sword of Damocles of Predictions” hung over her, which said that she had little time left to live - until she was 53 years old. This prediction was made when the client was in her early 20s, and then it seemed very far away, but now time is steadily approaching a critical point. When you work with a client in terms of negative forecasts and predictions, all sorts of miracles are possible. We found this mark on her future that corresponded to her being fifty-three years old. There she stood and seemed to look at herself, demanding that she solve this problem while there was still time. I began my psychotherapeutic work. She entered a situation where a prediction was made, seeing the woman who once said it. At that time, she was something like a village witch and everyone was afraid of her. But in fact it turned out that she was simply jealous of the client. At that time, the client already knew how to earn money, and since she was the eldest in a large family, she provided not only for herself, but also helped the younger ones. Knowing the techniques of working with the future, I helped remove this negative forecast. The client immediately felt relief and a change in the situation. I would like to tell you, dear readers, that I have to work with people who have visited various fortunetellers. But no one can vouch for the accuracy of the forecasts, and it is unclear in what state and for what purpose this was said. There are completely different options available here. It is necessary to take into account the human factor and the fact that information may be erroneous or inaccurate. And now a negative program has already been set. People are different. Usually visitors to all kinds of such “offices” are quite suggestible. And the client follows the beaten path, and it is unclear where this may lead. Our future is like a multi-core cable, and we must be extremely careful not to mess around there again if you don’t know where which wire leads, because a short circuit is possible, as I said Gustave Flaubert “The future worries us, but the past holds us. This is why the present eludes us.” I think that you can draw your own conclusions from all of the above.
