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From the author: Automatic writing as one of the ways to communicate with the unconscious Automatic writing, or automatic drawing, is used by some psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, as a way to establish communication with the unconscious part of the personality, in order to reveal supposed hidden experiences that create conflicts in the psyche. The person is in a state of trance. Therefore, this method is also called trance writing. Automatic drawing is closely related to the psychoanalytic method of free association, which is then translated into conceptual representations, just as an analyst translates the symbolic material of a dream, connecting it with reality. Strong negative emotions can prevent you from expressing subconscious knowledge in words, but they allow you to do it in the form of writing or drawings. This may be one of the mechanisms of creativity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ideas of psychoanalysis penetrated into art. The Dadaists, and later the surrealists, used unconscious, automatic writing in their work, believing that in this way they were freed from social reality, releasing the subconscious reality. There are many interesting and amazing stories related to the topic of automatic writing and the subconscious knowledge that a person can access. I will give one of the stories of Milton Erickson, the famous hypnotherapist of the 20th century. At one of his lectures on hypnosis, Erickson demonstrated this method on a girl named Peggy. While in a trance, the girl made a recording. Then she automatically folded the piece of paper, then folded it again and just as automatically put it in her bag. When September came, she called me from another city and said: “A funny thing happened today, and I think it couldn’t have happened without you.” , - so I’ll tell you what it’s all about. I was cleaning my bag today. There I found a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and saw that on one side it was written in a strange handwriting: “Will I marry Harold?” I know how this sheet got into my bag. And I feel like you have something to do with it. And the only thing that connects me with you is the lecture you gave at Michigan State University in April. then explain the origin of this leaflet? I replied: “I gave a lecture at the university in April, that’s true. Now tell me, were you engaged to anyone then?” "Yes, of course, I was engaged to Bill." I said, “Did you have any doubts about your engagement then?” "No, they didn't." “Have such doubts ever arisen?” "Oh, Bill and I broke up in June." "And what happened since then?" "In July I married a man named Harold." "Have you known Harold for a long time?" "Oh, I just saw him a few times for a short period in the second semester, but we never met or talked. Never until I accidentally met him in July." I said, “You wrote this phrase: “Will I marry Harold?” automatically in a state of trance. Your unconscious already knew that you would break up with Bill and that Harold was the one you really liked.” Her unconscious had known for months that she would break off her engagement. What made her fold and put away the piece of paper was that back then in April, at the level of consciousness, she could not face this fact.
