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From the author: This is a kind of cry, a call to a conscious life. Man in the modern world has acquired an amazing habit of demanding everything he wants. It is not to ask, but to shout with all his manifestations so that he can immediately be provided with everything he wants. We sincerely believe that everyone should treat us as nothing other than gentlemen. Nowadays, the desire for a consumer life is actively settling in our minds. We want to receive more, beyond our means, or even without giving anything in return. We have stopped being grateful for love, help, support, information, and so on ad infinitum. Fundamentally, it is not our fault, this is how the system works. On a global scale, my soul aches for the planet; inexhaustible resources have become exhaustible. The earth can no longer withstand the egocentric attitude towards itself on the part of people and begins to cleanse itself. But you can’t just look at it from the outside, enjoying what we have so far! Even in everyday life, we have simply forgotten about the magic word “Thank you.” Just give us everything, to quote my grandmother, “on a silver platter.” We began to think that everyone owes us everything. And what is our response? Let’s finally remember what it’s like to look for reasons to be grateful every day. Let's learn to appreciate everything and everyone. The planet, life, moments, experiences, people who are with us and who are against us, ourselves. Let's learn to notice everything that we already have - time, no matter how old we are; health, whatever it may be; relationships with people, no matter what happens; material things, no matter how much they cost. Every time you want to “take”, be sure to “give” something. For a gentle “Good morning” give “I’m glad to see you too.” Take it as a caring “I can help you” if “I couldn’t handle it myself.” For every “...” thank you sincerely. There is a popular practice of Gratitude. Its essence is that every evening you need to write down at least seven reasons to say “Thank you” in a beautiful diary. Do you know her too? And how often do you do it? You say that this will not make the world a better place. In general, no, but your personal world will change qualitatively. More joy and happiness will appear, dreams will begin to come true faster, and it will be easier to achieve your goals. Don't believe me? Try it! You think that there is no point in wasting your precious time on these little things. Then think about who gave you this time? Thanks to whom you are now living, breathing, hearing and reading this article...
