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From the author: The difference between success and failure depends on what you think about most of the time. Dean Francis. So much has already been written and said about a happy life, but the concept is so subjective that no one has an exact definition can't give. Our mind very often “plays” with us, depicting in our imagination a happy life for us. Sometimes we say: “I wouldn’t work at all if I could afford it, I’d sleep as much as I wanted, travel, etc.” We imagine how wonderful life would be. But, as often as not, it is “doing nothing” that leads to melancholy and depression. The person is a creative person, hardworking. He must improve, develop, move forward, have goals and objectives, when solving and achieving which, he becomes happy. Our mind gives us false concepts about the reasons for our failures and falls, as if playing with us. "It is not your fault! You're good! The fault lies in other people, in your family, friends and acquaintances.” And we blame everyone around us, “It’s not me, it’s all of them who did what is now in my life,” making some claims, accusations, without looking inside ourselves at all, without analyzing our actions, our thoughts, our actions. But when the realization comes that, in general, no one is to blame for your failures and troubles, that only you “gave birth” to everything that you currently have, then you will come closer to a feeling of inner happiness, feeling like you are the owner our life. Our mind loves “toys,” forcing us all our lives to search for the secret in which this very happiness lies. We are convinced that you can become happy in 20 days by reading this or that book, find the key to success by doing some manipulations, gain wealth, if you follow in the footsteps of great millionaires. But there are no keys, all the secrets have long been revealed, everyone has their own path, and it is not a fact that by repeating the actions of someone who is rich and successful, you will become so. Only you yourself create your own, personal “key” to your happy life, which will not fit in any other “well”. You create, form a picture of your future and patiently walk towards your goals and desires. But going towards what you want so badly does not mean, again, listening to your mind, which continues to play with us, whispering: “If only I had ….this, oh, how happy I would be.” No, I wouldn't. All this is very short-term and quickly passing. Until you learn to appreciate and love what you have at the moment, the same thing will happen later. Gratitude for this moment in your life, for everything you have, attracts even greater favorable moments and situations to you. There is a good saying: “I don’t have everything I want, but I love everything I have.” Always, throughout your life, you will have a lot of desires, it is bottomless and this is not bad. A person must wish and dream, but at the same time, in the present moment, be happy from the inside. Don’t let your mind guide you. Don’t fall for false conclusions: “I won’t succeed. Only the lucky ones, everything works out, their dreams come true, I have such a destiny. My defeat is the end of everything." Those who you consider lucky, simply believed in themselves, acted and walked persistently towards their goals, perhaps they suffered failures, but did not despair, but continued on their way. Defeat is not the end, but most often, it is the beginning, the beginning of your Faith in yourself, in your strengths.
