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The relationship of a brother and sister or a short episode at the airport that did not leave me indifferent This is not an article, but rather a story based on my recent observations and experiences, as well as reflections on these experiences. At the beginning of June this year, I spent five wonderful days in Montenegro. And now the moment of return has come. I arrived at the airport, went through all the stages of check-in for my flight and sat down on an empty seat in the hall where passengers were waiting for the announcement about boarding the plane. The flight was delayed, and I buried my face in a book on psychosomatics, periodically raising my eyes in the hope of seeing an announcement about boarding on the board. invitation to board. And then my attention was attracted by one family, consisting of a father, mother, a son of 7-8 years old and a little daughter of about 2.5-3 years old with blond hair. They were sitting opposite me. I was sitting and reading a book, when suddenly the boy screamed sharply and grabbed his right shoulder: “She bit me!” It hurts me! He tried to push his sister away. But mom and dad simultaneously exclaimed: “Don’t you dare push her!” The boy continued to be indignant: “But she bit me! It's too painful for me!" He again tried to push the girl away, but the parents slapped his hand and continued to demand that he not dare touch the baby. The girl continued to stand next to her older brother, and he waved his hands in the air, as if fighting back, but not daring to hit her. They slapped him on the hand again, the boy lowered his clenched hands into fists and burst into tears. And then I could no longer help but watch this family, since the bustle in front of me did not stop. All this was accompanied by stormy emotions. For a short time the boy sat quietly, but as soon as he was distracted, his sister immediately approached him and, in front of his parents, swung and spanked him. The boy began to become indignant again, swinging his arms in response. But the vigilant mother and father stood guard over the complete integrity of their daughter and scolded their son for any attempt to defend himself. When the boy received a slap on the hand for the fifth time and burst into tears from resentment and powerlessness for the fifth time, I began to experience these feelings with him . The rescuer in me “awakened”. Immediately an irresistible desire arose to be indignant and simply shout to the parents: “What are you doing? Why do you forbid your child to protect himself, his boundaries? Why are you ignoring his feelings? Why do you even forbid him to be angry in a situation where it is simply natural?” At the same time, I began to quietly hate the little girl who behaved so brazenly and completely with impunity. But since I couldn’t afford to express all this to these parents, I had to somehow calm my inner “savior”. He suffered from powerlessness and the inability to protect the boy, just like himself. I accepted this situation as an opportunity to continue to study myself and find a way to cope with my negative emotions and such reactions to what was happening with complete strangers. I mentally imagined before me the image of this boy, who clearly reminded me of my childish part of personality at moments when I felt defenseless, deprived of the support of those closest to me. Turning to this image, I said: “I allow you to protect yourself, even when you others do not understand and do not support. - I allow you to express your feelings. - I allow you to express your dissatisfaction when you don’t like something. - I allow you to demand fair treatment. I have become much calmer. I thought that, apparently, the boy was destined to survive this experience. And I hope and really wish him to find a way to resist the arrogance and aggressiveness of his sister. And perhaps he will learn to be flexible or cunning, or develop some useful skills in himself so as not to succumb to the manipulations of his younger sister. In any case, I sincerely wish this for him. This ultimately helped me not to think about the negative consequences of such actions by his parents. At some point, the girl.
