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For women who are in doubt, constantly tormented by thoughts of what to do: get a divorce or maintain the relationship. Although everything seems to be fine, everyone is alive and well. Husband. Children. A prestigious job with decent pay or your own income-generating business. And there’s emptiness inside... We would like to drown out our loneliness by at least going on vacation, but even that doesn’t save us! It’s so lonely because the relationship with my husband is very cold and there is no “shoulder” to lean on... Everything is there except the most important thing - a warm and loving relationship. Women's happiness. There is no spark that makes you want to go home. There is no romance in the relationship. Everything as usual. The night is left only for sad thoughts and tears. No one meets you after work. The husband who lies on the couch and doesn’t want to do anything for you. Children to whom you also don’t have time to pay attention and don’t have enough strength for them. And you feel guilty that when you come home you no longer want anything, all that remains is for them, only irritation. You feel like a bad wife and a bad mother, like you’re already “sick and tired” of everything. Divorce seems to be the only right decision. You are already exhausted and tears are not helping. I really want my husband to take responsibility for the children, earnings, and warmth in the relationship. But a man is not born like this, but often becomes like this thanks to... A WOMAN If a woman shifts responsibility for the relationship to a man: “Let him first show warmth, care and respect.” This is a mistake! In fact, a woman creates warmth, comfort, loving relationships. You can change everything while remaining yourself. Only by adjusting your behavior and thoughts, removing mountains of grievances. Then the relationship between you changes to close, warm and loving. You become more feminine, softer. A man comes to meet you, he wants to take care, take responsibility, give flowers and gifts, and earn more. Passion, romance arises, and a man grows “wings.” But nowhere is anyone still taught how to create a happy family. But what should you do? Divorce or not? I have prepared material for you on this topic - audio lesson + acceptance technique choice. The lesson and technique will give understanding and decision: Should I get a divorce or not? When exactly should you get a divorce? Is there a chance to fix something? Is it worth fighting? What kind of relationship should you have with your ex-husband? How to tell the children? A technique for making a simple solution to a complex issue. Download link here https://audio2.nechaevaolga.rf What moral right do I have to advise? In my life, I had a very difficult relationship with my husband, we even separated for 5 months. And then we found ourselves in the same puddle of problems again. Until I changed my attitude towards him, learned to communicate in a new way, built my confidence. Thus, working on myself, I solved the problem and now successfully help other women solve similar problems.—---------------------------- With love , Nechaeva Olga, expert founder of the project “I am happy, how to create a loving relationship between husband and wife".
