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Very often in conversations with clients and at lectures with students we touch on the topic of human freedom... Probably each of us, sooner (sometimes even too much) or late (also too much) thinks about your freedom. What does it mean to be free from a psychological point of view and from the point of view of the average person? It is this topic that I decided to devote my latest publication to. Freedom in the common understanding is most often associated with the fact that if I am free, I do what I want. And everything seems simple and clear, but from a psychological point of view, even in this short definition of the freedom of an ordinary person there are a lot of “pitfalls”. Firstly, not every one of us knows exactly what he wants, much less how and when. And in this case it is difficult to do what you want... Secondly, if I do what I want and another, no less free person does what he wants, who will regulate our intersections and who will be responsible for doing what I want to? Thirdly, am I really ready to do what I want and will I really feel free? In general, there are many questions, and the answers often lie beyond ordinary understanding. Therefore, I propose to understand the issues of human freedom from a scientific point of view. By the way, many studies, articles and even entire books are devoted to this topic not only in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, but also in cultural studies, religious studies and philosophy. The topic is certainly not new, but interest in it does not fade over time. The topic of human freedom was most carefully studied by representatives of the existential movement in psychology and psychotherapy. There is a direction of the same name in philosophy. From their point of view, human freedom is the right to make decisions and make choices in accordance with the internal attitudes, needs and goals of a person. Naturally, these internal attitudes, needs and goals for each of us are of a purely individual nature and can differ greatly from person to person. Therefore, freedom is individual in nature. It could also be said that we are all free in very different ways. Freedom to make decisions and make choices also presupposes that a person has responsibility as the ability to realize the consequences of his decisions and choices. To be responsible means to voluntarily and consciously consider oneself the cause of the emergence of relationships, situations, conditions not only in one’s own life, but also in the lives of other people. This postulate contains the answer to the now widespread statement that each person is responsible for everything that happens to him in life. One of I. Yalom’s books gives the following example on this topic: a man goes to a casino in the evening and loses a large sum of money. Naturally, he blames (i.e. places responsibility) for what happened on the management of the casino, the cheaters and charlatans who framed him and made him bankrupt. But, in fact, the responsibility for what happened lies entirely with the person himself: he could have decided not to visit the casino and thereby save his money. It is clear that we cannot always be or not be the cause of events and situations in our life, since other people, natural disasters and catastrophes, political and social phenomena can interfere with it, but for our own behavior, for our own decisions or lack thereof We alone are responsible. It is very important for each of us to understand where our personal responsibility begins and ends, and only then can we “grope” for our own freedom. We must not forget about the “internal” freedom of a person as freedom from socially imposed stereotypes, stupid rules (this does not apply to laws, of course), fears and destructive attachments (signs, thinking patterns, objects of addiction, such as alcohol or computer games), mystical views and everything that narrows our worldview. An internally free person can survive in any conditions and at the same time…
