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The essence of the authoritarian approach is the indisputable authority of the parents and the complete subordination of the child to their will. The child is not allowed to want, to have his own opinion, to make decisions on his own. The elder decides everything, the whole life is under control. As an incentive, a constant carrot without a stick is used. It seems that this is an endless hell that disfigures the personality. This is partly true, but authoritarian education, oddly enough, can have its advantages: ✅ The child is under control, which means there are risks to his life from - for rash actions are minimal. Without the permission of mom or dad, he will not go out for a walk outside the yard, and will not try “bad things.”✅The child is disciplined, behaves well in the presence of guests, and, as a rule, studies diligently (although, perhaps, there are not enough stars in the sky).✅The child being raised becomes an excellent performer who doesn’t miss deadlines at work and is always ready to help. But, of course, there are more disadvantages. I’ll tell you about what awaits children who grew up in an authoritarian family. Children who grew up in an authoritarian family can have two types of behavior depending on the personality of the child.1. Comfortable and quiet. A person who grew up in an oppressive family has every chance to take a worthy place in society. He is used to following orders and knows that the main thing that those around him value in him is obedience. He will not rebel, will not speak out against the injustice of his superiors. It is ready for recycling and is appreciated. But the other side of these positive qualities is complete passivity. Since childhood, he has not been accustomed to being in control of his own destiny. He knows that there are “elders” who will decide everything, tell you how to do it. The main thing is to simply listen to them. People with such attitudes cannot occupy serious leadership positions or make ambitious plans.2. Embittered despot. There is a high risk of repeating the parental scenario in the family. The child, a creature completely dependent on his father and mother, begins to pay for all the injustice that the parent experienced in childhood. Here the former subordinate is already beginning to act as a despot, having finally found someone who is weaker. And a child who had an authoritarian parent can become authoritarian himself. Then the situation repeats itself. A way out of this vicious circle is possible after working through children's problems with a psychotherapist. Authorities will collapse. Authoritarianism rests on the authority of parents. But as a person grows up and meets new people, he may realize that he was worshiping what he believed was wrong. And then he will find new rulers whose wishes he will fulfill. This could be an equally oppressive spouse, a boss, an abusive lover. And respect for mom and dad will be replaced by contempt and hatred, which will be fueled by memories from a difficult childhood in an oppressive family. Conclusion. The authoritarian approach to pedagogy has its fans, who rightfully believe that authoritarianism helps to instill discipline, diligence, and avoid many childhood and teenage problems. But this style of education gives rise to unhappy adults, sometimes even successful, but deeply dissatisfied with themselves, their parents and unable come to terms with your own past. Love and take care of your children!
