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I continue the column “We all come from childhood” This time I offer excerpts from my article “Practical Psychologist”, No. 12, 2017, Kiev One day a young woman, a university teacher, came to see me. PhD. She complained about the child’s irritability, capriciousness, restless sleep, while sleeping with him, breaking the routine, and constantly pushing the baby away from her. Her questions were amazing: “What does he understand?”, “Why should I play with him?” Someone strives to become an ideal parent, someone lets children into this world for show, and someone believed in the most terrible nonsense that only motherhood makes a woman out of a woman. And then the child turns from a value into an annoying nuisance. Each parent makes their own choice - to develop and learn new forms of perception of life together with their child, or to enjoy power and mockery of a defenseless little person. A daily routine is not the most difficult thing you can teach your child. All that is required from adults is love and acceptance of their responsibility. The child’s observance of a certain routine accustoms him to organization, making life easier for him and his parents. In the future, it will be much easier for a child who follows the routine to adapt to the conditions of the kindergarten. Approximate daily routine: 07:00 – waking up, washing 08:00–08:30 – breakfast 08:30–09:30 – time for independent games (drawing, plasticine, construction set) all this can be combined with a background music – children’s songs or musical fairy tales , so the child will develop a passive vocabulary. Play classical music every other day; it not only has a beneficial effect on brain wave activity, but also develops emotional intelligence. 09:30–11:30 – walk 11:30–12:00 – return from a walk, prepare for lunch 12:00–12: 30 – lunch 12:30–13:00 – time for quiet games 13:00–15:00 – afternoon nap 15:00–15:30 – afternoon snack 15:30–16:30 – educational games with mom. If you think that it is better to send your child to a paid child care center, you are deeply mistaken. In joint activities with parents, the child’s personality receives exactly those impulses that are necessary for its development (a girl takes feminine and feminine things from her mother, a boy takes masculine and masculine things from his father). Someone else's aunt won't let you do this. 16:30–18:00 – second walk 18:00–19:00 – creative development (appliques, herbariums, learning songs, rhymes) 19:00–19:30 – dinner 19:30–20:30 - water procedures, preparation for bed 20:30–21:00 - evening fairy tale 21:00 - night's sleep PS If you liked the article, say “thank you”, leave your reviews and repost so that as many people as possible know about it.
