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Depression is a correlation of various concepts, they are called mediators, neuro-transmitters, but in everyday life they are called hormones, the hormone of happiness - such as serotonin, (+ dopamine, norepinephrine). In short, there is a so-called endorphin shift in the hormonal ratio of these hormones that affect our mood, but in fact, serotonin affects our mood. What do these antidepressants do to the human body? I can say that, to begin with, there is a certain pattern of our thoughts (attitudes) and there is a direct dependence on emotions. That is, if our thoughts are negative, for example, a person does not see, he works a lot, his thoughts do not bring joy from this work, the work does not bring any effect, satisfaction, and other things, which may indicate insufficient wages, which I would like to receive, this may be due to some kind of family disagreements, difficulties, conflicting relationships in the family, or the person is not in the family, not a family member, then maybe these are disagreements with friends, with relatives. The most negative thoughts, in the language of psychology, are called irrational. If the world itself is neutral, you can freely choose for yourself whether you want to live in a positive or negative vector. You can only see everything negative, everything black, everything dark, being in this environment, you unwittingly become as negative as your surroundings. Accordingly, there is a correlation between thoughts and emotions. If our thoughts, our emotions, if everything is sad in our life, then, accordingly, our thoughts and emotions begin to absorb and reflect all this. Negative emotions, today, have a large number of names. For example, apathy, callousness, decreased emotional resources, apathetic state. There is also a term - mental pain, depressive pain, which in medical language is called psychalgia. Psycho is the soul, algos is pain. In other words, this is a soreness of the soul, which entails emotions, some kind of anger, irritability, and more. Now, imagine our picture turned upside down. Whatever you choose is whatever suits you best. For example, go abroad, arrange a trip for yourself, or your salary was increased, you were appointed to a higher position at work, or you began to work the same way, but get more money. Or for example, in your life, in your relationships, your friends and relatives support you, don’t stress you out, don’t ask stupid, unnecessary questions. They don't tell you that you are boring or unpleasant. The situation is diametrically opposite to the previous negative one. Switches from negative to positive pole. What happens with your condition, namely with your emotions, with the notorious production of this serotonin and other hormones, they all begin to switch from the “-” sign to the “+” sign. (to be continued!) PS I have a small gift for you , the small bonus I was talking about, absolutely free, I want to present to you and offer to your attention the book “STOP STRESS Killer Techniques”. Now you can start downloading the book from the website - http://doctoraksaev.com, while there is time, while it is possible to download it from a free link. “ALL THE MOST VALUABLE THINGS ARE WITHIN US”!! © Sincerely, Timofey Aksaev
