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At a recent meeting with students we talked about aggression. Let me first share with you what this phenomenon is. 🌿It seems important to me that the term “aggression” became purely negative only in the 18th century. (until the 18th century, any active behavior was called aggressive and was not condemned).🌿From the Latin verb aggredior, gressus sum, gredi is translated as: 1) approach, approach, approach; 2) try to win over to your side; 3) turn to ... ;4) go against, attack; 5) prosecute; 6) begin, undertake; 7) start, try. (Look how many meanings there are with the idea of ​​“taking a step towards something”!) 🌿Aggression is associated with different feelings (and about the connection with each subject for a separate story), here I will say about the main feeling in this topic - anger. 🌿Anger is precisely related to movement towards an object (as opposed to, for example, disgust). Anger is also associated with boundaries - we experience it when: ► we feel a threat to our boundaries, or when they are actually crossed and ► when we want to expand our boundaries, strive for something, want to get something. 🌿In both situations we need aggression. Here is the difference between anger and aggression: Anger is a feeling, Aggression is an action. 🌿 Aggression, as a rule, is preceded by frustration - a state in which two things are characteristic: ► the presence of strong motivation to achieve a goal and ► obstacles that prevent the achievement of this goal. 🌿 Erich Fromm highlighted aggression: ► Benign - constructive forms that give us energy, have an evolutionary origin, are aimed at changing the situation, contributes to better adaptation of both humans and species ► malignant - an element of pleasure from destruction appears. 🌿S. Freud: “The first man who threw a word instead of a stone is the founder of civilization.” Both in the development of humanity as a species, and in ontogegesis (in the individual development of each person), we move from physical aggression to verbal. Verbal aggression is human evolutionary acquisition (although it can also be malignant).🌿The Bass-Darkey questionnaire (1957) identifies 3 main categories of manifestations of aggression:➡️ Physical - verbal,➡️ Active - passive,➡️ Direct - indirect. Link to the questionnaire in case you want pass it, I’ll add it to the first comment. The way we show aggression is influenced by our constitutional (features of the nervous system) traits, social experience in the past, environment in the present. Please think about how you tend to show aggression (in what conditions, in what forms). You can share in the comments. In the next article I will talk about ways to express aggression from the point of view of the logotherapeutic approach. My Telegram channel: https://t.me/psychologazaliya You can sign up for a consultation with me through private messages on Telegram: @psycholog_azaliya or Skype with the name @azaliyagizatullina
