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I love my Life! Every day there is a new awareness, a new vision and perception! And how great it is, with every step I live, everything I don’t need and everything I don’t need falls off :)) I had a friend at school. Very close to me...I loved her very much. She was faithful to her in friendship, protected her, looked after her, cared for her in every possible way. She also reciprocated... But sometimes she did some things I didn’t understand that caused me pain. But, I loved her very much and tried to move past these situations... Years passed. After school we talked less and less. We lived in different cities, very far away, interests and lifestyles did not intersect. And in the last 10 years, the intervals between communication can be considered years. But when a big disaster happened to me, my friend became very active. She called once a week, explaining that she wanted to support me. She asked questions, I told her about my problems, the end of which was not in sight at that time. On the contrary, for this period of time, her life stabilized, her husband was climbing the career ladder, and everything was fine with the children. She herself did not work anywhere and did not do anything except her home and her family. Every time she called me, she told me about the achievements of their family, and we rejoiced together. Then we talked about my affairs and every time she, as if triumphantly, said to me: “Well, why do you study all your life? What did it give you? You're left with nothing! You've lost everything! So I was a poor student, I never studied anywhere and everything is fine in my life!” I accepted the dialogue and sincerely answered her questions, answered that who knows how I would have gotten through all my situations if it weren’t for this knowledge base I have...And then the bell rings again. She's calling! Very happy, cheerful! And her first question sarcastically: “Well, are you still studying?” Then she happily announced that her husband would have a New Year's corporate party in Moscow and they could come to me! We talked about her family, she shared her joy that her husband had become a big boss, that they had bought several apartments, changed their car and other everyday joys ! I sincerely rejoice at her happiness. I answer that he is smart, that this is her great merit... and so on. About 40 minutes later she remembers me and carefully asks about my life. And when I answer her questions, the voice on the other end of the telephone connection changes! My answers that everything is finally getting better in my life greatly changed her mood... No matter what question she asked: in the personal or professional sphere , and in other areas..., everywhere she received a positive response... She paused more and more, the joy of communication passed... Irritation began to creep into her voice. At first I didn’t pay any attention to this, then it made me laugh! I began to figure out what was really going on! I didn’t hear a single phrase like: “Well done, I’m happy for you, it’s great that everything is getting better for you.” There were questions, then pauses with private breathing in response to my answers, then more questions, but with great and great irritation! I returned to the conversation about taking them to Moscow. And she suggested that she tell me the date of arrival in advance so that I could free up time for our communication. But... in response I heard an irritated and not happy answer: “We most likely won’t stop by! We won’t have time!” She said and said goodbye. I started laughing! How long did it take me to see this! She just fed on it when I was in trouble! It inspired and made her happy! That's why she called so often at first! Each time enjoying my “fall” from the pedestal of a prosperous happy life! And when she found out that everything was getting better for me, she didn’t even have enough to just formally utter some words of joy for me! WAS THERE A FRIEND? THERE WAS NOT! NEVER I HAD THIS FRIEND! IT WAS ONLY MY ILLUSION AND MY DESIRE! And I am very glad that I completed another relationship that was completely unnecessary for me! I looked around! I have always heard the saying: “A friend in need is a friend in need”... I know another TRUTH! A FRIEND IS KNOWN ONLY IN JOY! If a person is not capable.
