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A man, like a woman, carries a considerable burden on his shoulders - this is the patriarchal role that society imposes on him from childhood. He must be strong, reliable, the support of the family, protect and provide for it, be the head, make important decisions. But what if this image does not correspond to his true desires and abilities? What if he doesn’t want to have a family and children, doesn’t feel the strength and desire to take on such responsibility? Let’s figure out why many men feel unbearable about the patriarchal role in the family and how this affects their lives and those around them. One of the main reasons may be the fear of not being able to cope with this role. Many men grow up in families where fathers were tough and strict, and the patriarchal model of relationships was instilled as a law that did not inspire optimism. They weren't shown enough how to be sensitive, how to be emotional, how to express their emotions and show empathy. As a result, they may feel insecure in their ability to act as the head of the family. Another reason may be an inability to accept their own emotions and weaknesses. A man growing up in an environment where courage and strength are valued most may not learn to be vulnerable, to accept all aspects of himself. He may hide his true feelings and emotions behind a facade of rigidity and inflexibility, which makes open and honest contact with his partner and children impossible. Some men want to use the façade of patriarchal symbols without accepting real responsibility. They strive for power, control, and a “macho” image, appearing strong and unshakable. However, despite their outward confidence, they may experience inner emptiness and loneliness, unable to find true meaning and joy in relationships. Surely many have met men who are outwardly brutal, but who have not decided to start a family, children, or who choose only superficial relationships, blaming women for this problem. What should a man do who feels the weight of this role, but is not ready or does not want to accept it? It is important to start with self-knowledge and awareness of your own desires and needs. You can't pretend that everything is okay if there's a storm of contradictions raging inside. You can try to be frank both with yourself and with others, communicate on a sincere level, try to express your feelings and emotions. It is also important to strive to develop emotional intelligence, learn to accept your feelings and manage your emotions, develop the ability to empathize and understand others - both men and women. This will help you build a more open and deep relationship with your partner and children, where strength comes from togetherness rather than control and oppression. Finally, it is important to understand that each person is unique and does not have to conform to stereotypes and societal expectations. A man has the right to his own path and his decisions, even if they do not meet patriarchal standards. The main thing is to be sincere with yourself, not to be afraid to be vulnerable and open, to follow the path of self-knowledge and development.
