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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia. It often happens that after several years of family life, relationships are no longer so bright in terms of sex, but in general, there is an understanding that everything is fine, and I would like to change something in order to preserve what is, and even improve it. It was with this problem that a client from Moscow approached me, as a sexologist, psychotherapist, and family psychologist. wish: to take their interactions with her husband to a new level. It is worth considering that the girl is now thirty, and this is the age of crisis. And often it is during this period that you want to change something. In this case, everything bad that happened should be left in the past. , and the new one is positive, build it and take it with you as a resource state. So, let’s return to the topic of anorgasmia and frigidity. I will note that now, as it turns out, the girl is faced with other tasks, and despite the fact that there was a message for psychotherapy. of a sexual nature, it was necessary to understand the situation in general terms, in the aspect of psychology, and then deal with sexual problems, and the topic of anorgasmia. The first is the difficult financial situation. The girl is now on maternity leave. A couple lives in a rented apartment. Recently there was a scandal with my husband’s parents, and the financial side has deteriorated somewhat (they used to help, but now there is a pause). From here, the client understood that in all this she was the suffering party, and we had to remove her painful thoughts and negative attitude towards the future, in addition, add motivation and the desire to do something herself. She is a freelancer, in principle, this job allows the girl to start working at home on her own. But all of us, sexologists, psychotherapists, and family psychologists, understand that if a person is uncomfortable, then there is no time for work. Now I have harmonized her internal state, plus we have worked on techniques for resolving relationships with her husband’s parents. In this case, my client from Moscow stops seeing everything in a dark, negative light, and her internal state levels out, and then it is much easier to restore the lost contact. Then, the topic of the husband. This is where his sexual inadequacy emerged. The man began to experience problems at work, and a general disharmonious background, after a scandal with his parents. All this also probably caused a certain tension in sex. Hence, problems with potency and erection, and, probably, the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure (STORSN). Then, if we take into account that the girl herself has anorgasmia, then she hasn’t had sex for almost a month. Now that the client from Moscow felt better, she was ready to continue working on her family sexual problems. Consequently, the message for marital sexual therapy will most likely come from her. My client from Moscow began to realize that her husband probably also needed help, and it was worth conducting psychotherapy and further work on the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure (ASF) and problems with potency and erection. She noted that her husband has always had minor difficulties with this, and now is the time to change the situation. This is the kind of work I did. I note that sexual family therapy will always be beneficial. And if you make an appointment with a psychologist-sexologist in a timely manner, then many sexual women and
