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Most often, the cause of a person’s internal discomfort and conflict is his own beliefs. That is, those attitudes that we consider absolutely correct. We remember such things from childhood, and it doesn’t even occur to us to check them for truth. We follow them automatically. The trouble is that such attitudes often make us unhappy. It seems that everything in them is correct, but they often have to be carried out through force. We tell ourselves what we should do, exactly this way and not otherwise. And if suddenly, due to some circumstances, we act differently, then we begin to blame ourselves. Very often we get so used to such self-recrimination that we stop noticing it. Meanwhile, guilt is the most destructive experience. It is the feeling of guilt that prohibits us from feeling pleasure, it simply blocks this center in our brain. In essence, guilt is a total ban on pleasure. And we are incapable of not enjoying life. And so we ourselves find how to punish ourselves. This could be some kind of physical injury or domestic injury. Guilt always requires atonement, otherwise there will be no pleasure. So we receive this redemption in a variety of ways, without even realizing it. And all because we cannot fail to comply with certain guidelines. After all, only by observing them can we consider ourselves “good” or ideal. This is how our desire for perfection leads us to unhappiness. Surely you remember the belief from childhood that it is imperative to help the weak. It seems like a correct belief, but when in reality you begin to face the consequences, happiness does not increase. You help, but they also scold you for interfering without asking. Or, as an option, you helped once, and then they simply sit on your neck and demand help. Although you can only ask for it. But in order not to feel guilty, you help. And then you begin to notice that with this help you have completely forgotten about yourself, there is not even enough time for the necessary things. Imagine being able to change this attitude of helping to a more environmentally friendly one. Such, for example: “I only help those who ask for help and this does not harm my interests.” Try it, your condition will improve. Meanwhile, this is only one belief. How many more do you have that keep you in a prison of guilt and unhappiness? Sometimes even rearranging the words in our belief and clarification can help reduce feelings of guilt, and, as a result, your unhappiness. Psychologist and practitioner Anton Chernykh. I invite you to therapeutic sessions to reduce feelings of guilt. Record via WhatsApp/Telegram message 89205430457
