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Well, to be honest, we all periodically make mistakes at the behavioral level, which may be based on failures in our thinking system. These failures are the result of distortedly perceived models of reality, adherence to rigid or dysfunctional stereotypes, as well as based on erroneous interpretations of personal or other people’s experience or in cases where decisions are made on the basis of emotions. I propose in today’s article to list the types of these distortions of thinking.1. Black and white thinking. In my opinion, the most common cognitive distortion, although I could be wrong. This is just my vision. So, this type of erroneous thinking is often found on our forum: when people demonstrate the extreme points of a possible solution to a situation: either I am successful or a complete loser! There is no middle ground! Either a beauty or the ugliest; either a perfect body or fat. This distortion leads to dissatisfaction with life, because it becomes difficult for the individual to imagine those guidelines, having reached which, he will consider that his goal has been achieved. In the absence of an understanding of the “golden mean,” any, even the most insignificant, mistake in activity can be perceived and interpreted as an absolute failure or failure.2. Overcommunication. This is also called the survivor's mistake. In this case, the person can draw general conclusions based on a small number of cases or evidence. For example, some incident occurred that resulted in failure. And thanks to this type of cognitive distortion, a person can expect a repetition of this scenario simply because she perceived this incident as the beginning of a series of failures. This is where the legs grow from the statement “I will never have a relationship,” although in fact, the person had an incident on one first date.3. Filtration. As we know, a coin has two sides: if something bad happens, then we can learn some lessons from what happened and draw conclusions. This will be the positive side of what happened. But this is absolutely not what happens when filtering: no positive aspects will be taken into account, but there will be selective perception and further emphasis only on the negative side of the incident. It is not difficult to guess that the main moments of life are painted in gray tones of constant negativity.4. Catastrophization. I wrote about this topic in more detail here. Let me just briefly mention that this cognitive distortion is characterized by a constant tendency to exaggerate the scale of what happened, as they say, “to make a mountain out of a molehill.”5. Quickly conclusions. This distortion of the cognitive construct is based on the analysis of conclusions without evidence, facts, or arguments preceding these conclusions. That is, it may simply be a guess about what the other “thought” about the person. Instead of asking, finding evidence or refuting your conjectures, hasty conclusions are drawn and based on these conclusions further models of interaction can be built, as you understand, these interactions will also be far from openness and transparency. Monitor your own cognitive distortions. Take care of yourself! Sabirov Salavat .My telegram channel. You can sign up for an individual consultation or a personal appointment in Volgograd by calling: +79050620750
