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In the industrial economy, a business was an enterprise, a legal entity with a stable market with stable, usually growing demand, regular and reliable customers and suppliers, stable requirements for product quality, relatively slow physical and especially the obsolescence of the means of production and the products themselves. Competition between enterprises was not too intense and aggressive. A well-established enterprise could receive its orders almost indefinitely without any problems and maintain its institutional niche in the social infrastructure. Accordingly, the organizational infrastructure of the business was stable and functional. Under these conditions, Taylorism, the Fordist model of mass production, the Soviet model of the “factory country”, the centralization of business on a national scale, and its transformation into a basic state institution were possible. A stable organizational structure does not allow an immediate response to changing market demands. But in a post-industrial society, enterprises are faced with a rapidly changing, uncontrolled market, where everything is dictated by the generally unstable subjectivity of the consumer. Now supply not only precedes demand, but also shapes it. The lifespan of products is steadily decreasing due to their constant renewal. Business in a post-industrial environment means the formation of a flexible and adaptive enterprise management structure around business processes, human relations, and constant reorganization of the enterprise. A post-industrial enterprise is a network of freely interacting entities located in different places. These entities implement a joint project, being in a relationship of partnership, cooperation, cooperation, and coordination. At the same time, the business producer is not involved in the ongoing management of divisions integrated into the business, but provides the necessary level of cooperation through which he ensures the achievement of results. Post-industrial business refers to a traditional industrial enterprise as a metasystem that cooperates their goals, resources, traditions and experience in for the purpose of producing consumer-oriented innovative projects. A post-industrial enterprise is organized around a project or a certain key process, the life cycle of a certain product. It is temporary in nature, has flexibility, forms a unified system from the resources and experience of various enterprises, ensures cooperation and coordination of specialists and groups that are spatially distant from each other. A post-industrial enterprise is characterized by the ability to quickly form, develop, restructure and disband at the right time. It is characterized by the predominance of decentralized (distributed) management and the priority of coordination links. This form of organization was defined by my teacher, Professor Viktor Ilyich Varshavsky, in the 70s with the aphorism “an orchestra plays without a conductor,” which he included in the title of a book that was popular at that time. This structure is characterized by a combination of decentralization and centralization in management, the widest possible distribution and flexible redistribution of power, decision making at all levels of the organizational hierarchy. Post-industrial business is implemented and organized by the selection of various organizational, creative and technological resources from various “enterprises” and their integration through new information technologies and resources into a flexible and adaptive system, maximally adapted for the fastest possible release the latest products and their prompt promotion to the consumer. In essence, producing a business involves the cooperation of specialists, enterprises or departments. A post-industrial enterprise is completely customer-oriented. Its main characteristics are minimal time-to-market, that is, speed of order fulfillment, and complete satisfaction of customer requirements. Cooperation of customers and producers into a single open".
