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We continue to consider the invisible barriers to self-realization. They are hidden: 1. In your emotional state (peace and harmony in your soul)2. Your skills, or lack thereof, to manage yourself and your life (self-knowledge and self-awareness)3. Your ability (or inability) to build constructive relationships (relationships in general - primarily with close people, since relationships with other people are a consequence of relationships with family)4. In your state of health and general energy (health and energy)5. And one more barrier, which is a consequence of all the previous ones, is vague, NON-SPECIFIC FORMULATIONS of your desires, requests, needs, goals, etc. Let me remind you that we considered the first 2 barriers HERE. Let's move on...3. Relationships with loved ones. If you are not at peace with yourself (peace and harmony in your soul) and do not have the skills to manage yourself and the events of your life (self-knowledge and self-awareness), then automatically your relationships with people leave much to be desired. And accordingly, your vital energy is spent on worries and thoughts about OTHER people and about all sorts of unpleasant communication situations. Self-realization in such situations is extremely difficult. There is a key relationship here, which I will talk about briefly. In the following publications we will talk about this in more detail. So, if: you are a touchy person, or tend to blame yourself and/or other people, or are overly demanding of yourself and/or others, or often experience insecurity or aggression, obvious or hidden towards to yourself and/or to others, that is, like a pendulum, it takes you either into the position of a victim or into the position of a tyrant, this means that you definitely need to work through and complete your relationship with your parents on an emotional level. Because all of the listed reactions and feelings for other people actually (even if you don’t realize it) RELATE TO PARENTS, and not to husbands/wives, children, friends, bosses, subordinates, colleagues, and so on. That is, projection is triggered - an unconscious habitual reaction formed in childhood before the age of 5-7 in relation to your parents, even if you were raised without them. All the same, a certain image of your parents is present in your mind. Of course, you can close your eyes to all this, but your reactions will remain with you and will automatically react to other people. And you will not be able to be open and sincere and will not be able to build trusting and respectful relationships, both with loved ones and with other people. An unprocessed situation of unfinished emotional relationships with parents (resentment, guilt, perfectionism, fear of making a mistake, fear of being rejected, criticized, ridiculed, etc.) will slow down your attempts to realize yourself in interesting activities, enjoy life and feel free and happy .4. Health and energy. If your health and energy are insufficient, then you will not have enough strength for action. Everything here is quite obvious: you need to take care of the health of your body and pump up your energy with physical activity, at least at the level of short morning exercises and walking.5. Vague NON-SPECIFIC FORMULATIONS. If you cannot clearly formulate your needs and desires, determine your area of ​​interest in a specific area of ​​activity in which you want to develop, then this will not allow you to plan specific actions to implement your ideas. Moreover, these are the actions that you can perform right now, within one or two days, a week, a month. Because a MOUNTAIN of some huge abstract idea will be pressing on you, which you don’t know how to approach. For example, if you tell yourself that your goal in the field of self-realization is to help and benefit people, to know yourself, your true desires and capabilities, improve the quality of life, reprogram your consciousness and subconscious in a positive direction, find your purpose, become successful and free and so on, it is not clear what! :-)
