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🧡 Why are we so afraid of being uncomfortable in relationships with other people? Let's talk about this and I'll tell you why this is not only normal, but also important for a healthy relationship. Now there will be a lot of text 🙂 At the beginning of a relationship, we try to be pleasant and comfortable, we want only good things to be thought of us, to be admired. This smooths out a lot of corners. Trying to please your partner helps create an atmosphere of comfort and trust. We don’t even always realize that we are adjusting and trying to appear better. Only then, years later, we suddenly discover that the relationship is deteriorating, the partner is annoying, we are disappointed and cannot understand why. The danger is that by playing a role and trying to be “ideal,” we risk losing our authenticity. A partner may love us not for who we really are, but for the image that we created for him. And sooner or later, over the years, the truth will still emerge and we may face disappointment in another person. What is the advantage of being “uncomfortable” " in relationships: • True connection: Relationships based on honesty and openness have greater potential for deep and genuine connection. We see each other as we are and build relationships in sincerity. • Better understanding: When we are not afraid to express our needs and feelings, it helps us understand each other better and find ways to solve problems faster. And do not create false illusions. • Resilience: Relationships based on honesty and trust are more resilient because it is easier to overcome difficulties knowing that you can rely on each other. Of course, openness can also cause more conflicts at the beginning of the relationship and negative emotions that may be difficult to cope with. But the sooner we overcome them and talk through them, the more valuable and stronger the relationship will be built in the future. And the more confidential the dialogues will be. This, by the way, applies to relationships with yourself too. After all, we can deceive ourselves very well and live in illusions. I’ll write about this too, if interested. Beacon in the comments 🤳 #Relationship Psychology #being uncomfortable #empathy #authenticity
