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Long ago, long before the Earth even existed, when we were still fully in our angelic existence, there was already a division between male and female energy, male energy was called “ Adam" and feminine energy - "Isis". Isis was responsible for the energies of birth, for the energies of education - in other words, for the creative energies. Adam was responsible for supporting the woman, bringing to life the passion and creativity of the feminine principle and supporting Isis. And he loved his job! Eventually, the little angel children began to fight with each other, to play war - just as little children now do at times. When Isis saw this, she felt bad about her little ones playing and she felt ashamed because she felt that she had not done her job well. And she went to Adam and asked him to do her work for a while and from that moment take control. She felt so guilty because because of the children’s games, all the expansion of energy slowed down, the creative energy began to fade. Isis saw this and felt she had to do something. That's why she handed over her task to Adam. He loved Isis very much, he wanted to do everything for her, he took on this role and began to control everything. That was the moment when male energy began to control. After that, the little angels incarnated on Earth. And Since Adam took his work very, very seriously, he believed that control was what Isis wanted. Since then, the separation of male and female energy has become part of human consciousness. In Atlantis, humanity once tried to achieve a balance between male and female energy. But Adam had already learned to control well, and inner fear told him: “Don't do this! Beware of giving away control! Men are much smarter and stronger!” Adam believed this, and since then he has continued to try to maintain control. Our world is currently dominated by men: church leaders are men, corporate executives are men, in the world of sports, in government, in the military. Restoring the balance of feminine and masculine energies are important for both men and women. An imbalance in these energies gives rise to the internal position of a victim-rapist, fears, depression, and inability to build relationships. Achieving balance between Adam and Isis is a very individual process, for this balance it is important to be able to live from the depths of our hearts, because we need both energies. When we are not balanced, we cannot live from our hearts. We live from the mind and our emotions. We need feminine energies, nurturing energies, our passion, undaunted love and the birth of new ideas and concepts - just as we need masculine energies: embodiment of ideas, manifestation, activity and movement. We give birth to new ideas (feminine energy) and translate them into reality (male energy). All this happens within ourselves. This is not about the biological sex of a person, but rather the male and female energies that every person has. The feminine side is the creative side where ideas are born. The masculine side is the one that implements these ideas. For example, if someone does not have feminine energy within, then they are probably a very good manual worker. Those who do everything without taking time to think about it - like a soldier. But he is not creative. Initially, both sides are present in every person. And if a person is not united within these two poles, male and female, he is in constant search for the “missing” part from which he can take energy. Man gives away his power and seeks happiness in others. In people, in gurus, etc. He radiates his imbalance. And it attracts an unbalanced partner, this is the reason for the collapse of relationships. I invite you to the training Feminine and male energy in balance
