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From the author: Extracurricular event to prevent the use of alcohol-containing products "Alcohol: good or evil?" in collaboration with L.V. Bulatova The forbidden fruit is sweet! Let's show our cards and not lie to a teenager about alcohol. Slides and applications on the website: Purpose of the event: to introduce students to the philosophical and scientific view of alcohol. Objectives: to study the effect of alcohol on the human body; to form a negative attitude towards alcoholism as a social phenomenon; to broaden their horizons, develop the skills of independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered. Design : wall newspaper “Alcohol: good or evil?”, posters: “Human digestive system”, “Alcoholism” and “Basic summary “Alcohols””. Equipment: projector, screen, chemical laboratory equipment (test tubes, nitric acid, alcohol, water, porcelain cups with experimental pea seeds, sprouted in water and not sprouted in alcohol). Progress of the event No. Speech by teachers Note 1. “Alcohol: good or evil?” Slide 12. Goal and objectives. We are all accustomed to the fact that society formally rejects alcohol, but, nevertheless, almost everyone uses it at least sometimes. Some people do it sporadically - on holidays and not allowing too much, while others abuse it. At today's event we decided to be objective about drinking alcohol. 3. The ancients had a deity that was perfectly suited to symbolize the contradictions defined by our topic. This is Janus the two-faced. One face - dark - is turned to the past (there is a lot of sadness there), the other - light - looks to the future. Our task today is to form our opinion about the problem of drinking alcohol, to decide whether this is the dark or bright side of a person’s life. As in those ancient, wise times, we will express our opinion. During the discussion of the problem, you must make a choice and vote at the end of the event: if you think that drinking alcohol is not a vice, then fill a white vessel, if the choice is the opposite, then fill a black one. So, let's listen to the invited guests. Slide 2Slide 34. Are there any historical facts confirming that alcohol is beneficial or harmful? A historian will tell us about this. Historian: Since time immemorial there has been fame about drinks that cheer the soul, medicinal drinks that cheer the soul, medicinal drinks, drinks of relaxation. Amazing pages of the history of many peoples were determined by the use of wine as a divine drink. Fortified wines have appeared in Rus' since the reign of Prince Oleg. Wine, as the symbolic blood of Jesus Christ, is used in the rite of communion. In both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, wine is mentioned quite often. The first miracle of Christ was the transformation of ordinary water into wine. The Spanish philosopher and church leader Raymond Lull attributed the ability to “strong” alcohol to console the human body and restore youth to old people. During the Great Patriotic War, partisan detachments used one glass of ethyl alcohol as an anesthetic and disinfectant and performed surgery on this person. The word “vodka” originally meant not an intoxicating drink, but a medicinal infusion. Historical facts show that the categorical denial of “not drinking” goes against the ethnic roots in the history of peoples. There are other facts. State drinking establishments have done their job - drunkenness has become a disaster; Slackers, robbers, rowdies have become a reality in Rus'. According to historical information, in Russia in 1905 they consumed half a bucket of wine per person per year. And now - a bucket at a time. And this measure is calculated for every Russian citizen, including not only mature people, but also newly born babies. Slides: Prince Oleg, Jesus Christ “Last Supper”, turning water into wine, Raymond Lull, partisan operations, drinking establishments.5 .There is a “northern type of alcoholism” - strong alcoholic drinks are drunk in heavy doses to warm up. It turns out that this is to their benefit? And the southern ones don’t need to warm up, so they don’t need to drink. Is it so? Does a person's habitat influence their susceptibility to alcohol? Let him tell us about it.
