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"I often fall into sadness and apathy, aggravate my condition with music and work myself up so much that I seriously feel that everything in my life is bad “A request from my client, with whom we worked just recently, I am writing from fresh memory. I start asking questions, digging, going into depth. I hear that the client says that this condition came from adolescence, I remember this. At this moment there are several psychological hypotheses in my head, where are the roots of the problem? I clarify how the mother reacted - I understand that this hypothesis is not correct. I clarify the details of this condition in adolescence and it turns out that the client felt lonely at that moment, due to the circumstances she had no friends (moving to another country), BUT It was this period that became a serious leap in self-development. Since we have been working with the client for a long time, I know that my client is very purposeful, stubborn, and moderately demanding of herself. This, by the way, is a separate plus of long-term therapy - your psychologist gets to know you better and can highlight you from the outside, certain patterns in behavior and words And here I have an idea of ​​what it looks like for her psyche: Algorithm from adolescence: in order to develop you need to be in a state of sadness, this is the only way growth is possible Algorithm from the quality of demandingness: I don’t see other legal ways to take time for myself and development of oneself other than total sadness and melancholy. I tell the client my hypothesis, clarify with her what she thinks, is this really so and voila - she confirms, rejoices and is surprised how she didn’t notice before and it worked automatically. And then, of course, we developed a more direct scheme for development, bypassing sadness, as well as steps that allow you to change your reaction to events that cause sadness. CONCLUSION: very often we unconsciously retain algorithms from childhood that do not work in adulthood, and even worse, they interfere. One of the fastest and effective options: rebuild this algorithm with a specialist - psychologist/coach, and of course, go implement mental health and a sense of happiness in the moment into everyone’s life!
