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From the author: The publication participated in the youth science conference at KSMU. (3rd degree diploma) The problem of accentuations as a factor in the development of psychopathy has been widely studied in the works of A.E. Lichko. In his opinion, two main groups of dynamic changes with accentuations of character can be distinguished. These are temporary transient changes and relatively persistent changes. These two groups describe different forms of discharge of affect that are characteristic of a specific form of accentuation. For various types, this can be auto-aggression, aggression towards the environment, escape from an affectogenic situation, demonstrative behavior, delinquency, toxicmania, running away from home, vagrancy, sexual deviations. Thus, the teenager tries to compensate for the incoming decompensating influences. According to research by A.E. Personally, 80% experience satisfactory social adaptation as they grow older. Also, transient changes can develop against the background of psychogenic mental disorders. Persistent changes are characteristic of the end of adolescence. This is, for example, the transition of “explicit” accentuation to “hidden”, transformation of types, the emergence of psychopathy. They are characterized by the prolonged effect of an affectogenic situation on the “place of least resistance” of this type of accentuation. Accentuations appear in adolescence. They enhance affect against the backdrop of the expression of a particular character trait, as a result of which vulnerability is observed in some situations and incredible stability in others. These phenomena occur simultaneously with age-related behavioral crises. Such an extensive way of responding to affectogenic situations often leads to the emergence of psychopathy, even in adolescence.P. B. Gannushkin introduced a number of concepts that reflect the dynamics of psychopathy, the key among them being the concepts of “compensation” and “decompensation”. Compensation is carried out through changes in the microenvironment and through the active development of psychological defense mechanisms, modes of behavior and emotional response in various situations, usually opposite to psychopathic traits. Decompensations arise as a result of failure of compensating influences. In adolescence, this is due to the fact that compensatory mechanisms are not yet sufficiently formed. Thus, character accentuations are a factor in the development of psychopathy if compensation processes are disrupted, the affectogenic situation lasts for a long time, and there is also a hereditary predisposition or morphofunctional changes during pubertal crises.
