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From the author: A fairy tale-story that will be valuable to a psychologist when working with a child who is afraid of the dark and spiders. Also suitable for parents who can read it themselves child and discuss. Author-© Bondarovich A.A. Once upon a time there lived a brave boy. He was very brave, and was not afraid of anything in the world, except for two things - the dark and spiders. The boy's name was Sasha, and he was a very ordinary boy, with red hair and blue eyes. The boy had many friends, but these friends were not afraid of the dark and spiders. But Sasha was afraid, and did not know what to do about it, and how to overcome his fears. One evening he went to bed and asked his mother not to turn off the night light so that there would be at least a little light in his small room. Mom did just that, however, when everyone fell asleep - his parents, his sister, the parrot, and even Sasha’s favorite toys, the boy wanted to go to the toilet. He endured it for a while, and then decided to pluck up courage and go to the toilet alone. Sasha rose from the bed, put on his slippers, and stood up. At that moment, he felt that he was very scared - after all, in order to get to the toilet, he needed to dare and go through a long dark corridor. In addition, Sasha was frightened by the thought that several spiders lived in the toilet near the light bulb. And at first the baby stopped, then he called his mother, but she was sleeping so soundly that she did not answer him anything in response. And Sasha had no choice but to gain courage and overcome his fears. He quietly opened the door to the corridor, looked into the distance, but because of the darkness he saw nothing. Then Sashenka imagined that he had turned into a fearless knight, and his fear of the dark disappeared somewhere by itself... He boldly walked in splendid isolation through a long dark corridor, groped for the light in the toilet, and only after that he was happy and praised himself for his courage !-What a great fellow I am! - Sasha praised himself, - actually, as a grandfather, walking in the dark is not so scary. Since then, he has stopped being afraid of the dark. But another test awaited him in the toilet - an encounter with several large and terrible spiders. Closing the door behind him, the boy saw them sitting on the ceiling near the light bulb, crawling back and forth, back and forth. “Oh, how disgusting these spiders are!” Sasha was indignant in a whisper, “how I don’t want to meet them, they so evil and terrible... and I'm afraid of them... At that moment, the spider mother, she was the largest and hairiest, heard what exactly the boy was saying in a whisper, because when a person speaks quietly, then this is also for tiny insects The best thing to do is to shout, very loudly. The spider turned her head towards the boy and squeaked to him in human language: “Don’t be afraid of us! We won’t touch you!” At first Sasha couldn’t believe his ears, but then he raised his head higher and saw that it wasn’t his imagination. The spiders' mother descended below the lamp and looked directly into the boy's blue eyes with her shiny black eyes. He wanted to say a word, but all his speech disappeared somewhere, and all he could do was silently look at the spider and listen to her. “Don’t be afraid of us, Sashenka!” We are not as scary as you think! We are very kind and will not touch you! In fact, we are also always afraid that you will strangle us or hit us painfully with a broom! Let's be friends! - and the mother spider descended even lower. At that moment, Sasha, without expecting anything from himself, extended his hand to the spider and touched her body with his finger. And the body was so tender and soft that the baby even liked it! He nodded in response to his spider mother as a sign of agreement to be friends and smiled. And then a completely inexplicable miracle happened - Sasha raised his hand up, allowing the largest spider and her babies to sit on his palm. And from how quickly they crawled, he felt funny and ticklish.... In the morning, Sasha could not remember how much he played with the spiders together at night, and how he then returned to his room along the dark corridor, but when he woke up, he ?
