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From the author: Based on materials from the book “Loneliness” by Olga Krasnikova. Conditions without which a beneficial change in personality is practically impossible: • Unconditional, non-judgmental acceptance of one’s personality. Refusal to compare yourself to others. At the same time, an honest look and a sober assessment of your actions, feelings, thoughts, desires, relationships. A sense of proportion and healthy criticism, without self-flagellation and self-justification. If a person continues to constantly evaluate and compare himself, he will spend all his energy on this useless - or rather, harmful activity, but as a result, apart from the usual feelings of guilt, powerlessness, hopelessness, irritation and shame, he will achieve nothing. • Taking care of your physical condition: ensure yourself healthy sleep, food, rest, absence of pain, so as not to fall into an altered state of consciousness. When you want to sleep or have a headache, all your attention is directed to finding a pillow or a pill, and not to self-development. • Recognizing your right to make mistakes. Mistakes and crises are necessary components of development. If you don’t give yourself the right to make mistakes in advance, if you scold yourself for every wrong move (and there will be a lot of them), then it’s impossible to take the first steps into the unknown. The tasks that a person solves on the path of his change may partly coincide with the conditions of change: • Try to accept yourself without conditions - as you are now, without falling into extremes of idealization or devaluation: “I am valuable, although imperfect.” TO BE CONTINUED
