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From the author: ... in order to understand the truth, sad as it is, the man from the story described must first of all agree that he is a slave, and the woman that she is a parasite.!! !!Several tsunamis of Emancipation swept across the world. Women were given equal rights compared to men. Let's see how the struggle ended: men do not live to retirement age and live 15 years less than women. In this regard, the phrase “take care of women” sounds like a mockery. I will quote the usual dialogue of a victim of emancipation: F: a man must give in M: Why should he give in? F: Because he is stronger. If he hits, there won't be a wet spot left. Therefore, he must give in to the weak and defenseless. M: Don’t you think that you owe too much? Who gives in to a man?... no one. J: Give in! That's how it is! M: Let's imagine: a woman overcooked her breakfast in the morning. The husband gave an inspiring speech and went to work hungry. Who is to blame in this situation? F: Definitely, the man is to blame. He had to restrain himself, because in front of him was a weak man. M: Okay, the man came in the evening without any income - well, that’s how it happened. Who is to blame? F: Definitely a man. After all, he took upon himself the responsibility of supporting his family. M: Now let’s imagine that a man left the house after an overcooked breakfast, got behind the wheel and got into an accident, as a result, he ended up with money and did not earn anything that day. Who is to blame? F: I understand what you’re getting at. But your reasoning is perverted. A man must approach his responsibilities responsibly. M: Well, if his wife did not cook breakfast, then what should be the appropriate response on the part of the man. Zh: Well, I think that he may not buy potatoes. M: Of course, a man should work for the benefits of the family, and cannot count on an adequate exchange. He should be calm if his wife throws hysterics just because women are weaker and more emotional. He must buy food. He must support his family. The wife shouldn’t... she’s weak. Who has only responsibilities, but no rights? At the slave's! The slave rebels, his throat floods. F: You are perverting the situation! M: Okay, why don’t men live so long? F: Yes, because they drink! Instead of restraining themselves, they become drunk! M: Do you think addiction to the bottle is also a weakness? Well, like the physical weakness of women? F: No, it’s more than weakness. Alcoholism harms the entire family! M: Well, here we are for the second time. There are right weaknesses in the right people (women), and there are wrong weaknesses for which you can kill ahead of schedule! No matter who I retell this real dialogue to, they don’t see the catch! Is it any wonder that women take courses to improve stress resistance, and men live 15 years less. It is latently clear that the exchange of husband and wife in most families is slavish. To change the situation you need to open your eyes to the truth! Men are people! However, just like women, they are people! The responsibilities between husband and wife should be equal. In this story, the wife just had to make a good breakfast, because this is her adequate contribution to the life of the family. When her husband comes home from work, first of all, kiss him, show that he cares about him. Wait until he regains his strength, and then load him with your stories. Zh: Why, I’ve been waiting for him all day! And he came and couldn’t give me five minutes of time!!! M: Well, if it’s not clear what we’re talking about, then switch roles and go to work without breakfast, and when you come home from work listen to your husband’s hysterics why his wife was late for an hour. However, in order to understand the truth, sad as it is, the man from the story described must first of all agree that he is a slave, and the woman that she is a parasite.
