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From the author: International conference “Morphological aspects of life safety” Voronezh, VSMA named after. N.N. Burdenko November 23-24, 2012 International conference “Morphological aspects of life safety” Voronezh, VSMA named after. N.N.Burdenko November 23-24, 2012 Somatic and psycho-emotional well-being of a person UDC 378 COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT MUSICAL DIRECTIONS ON HEMODYNAMIC INDICATORS OF HEALTHY STUDENTS AND STUDENTS WITH VEGETATIVE DYSTONILE SYNDROME.A.K Ireeva, N.V. Zelenina, V.N. Yakovlev, V. A. Semiletova In various forms of manifestation of vegetative dystonia syndrome (VDS), the trigger mechanism for its development is brain dysfunction. This leads to a disruption of homeostatic mechanisms, a decrease in adaptive reserves with subsequent disruption of a person’s mental and physical activity [1]. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the influence of musical sounds in various diseases [2, 3]. In 1995, scientists from the University of California (USA) Gordon Shaw and Francis Rauscher found that different groups of nerve cells perform various kinds of mental operations that are “musical” in nature [4]. Therefore, music can influence mental activity by activating certain neural connections. A particularly positive effect was found when listening to Mozart's music. An experiment conducted on both humans and animals confirmed the neurogenic, rather than emotional, effect of the influence of Mozart’s music. [4] However, in the literature available to us, we have not found any works that would provide a comparative assessment of the influence of various musical styles on the degree of restoration of hemodynamic parameters in autonomic dystonia syndrome. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to identify the influence of various musical genres on hemodynamic parameters in healthy students and with SVD. Students' favorite musical pieces were used for listening. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 120 second-year students of the Faculty of Medicine. The result turned out to be: 34% prefer pop music, 26% prefer rock music, 19% electronic music, 16% classical, the rest folk. Research methods. To identify SVD in students, a questionnaire was used - a table developed in the department of autonomic pathology of the 1st Moscow Medical University [1]. To establish autonomic tone, the autonomic Kerdo index (VIC) was determined [1, 6], which characterizes the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In addition, the Hildebrant coefficient (CH) [1], characterizing the degree of mismatch in the activity of individual visceral systems, and the adaptation index (AI) [5], indicating the tension of the adaptation mechanisms of the cardiovascular system, were determined. The studied indicators were determined at rest and after 15 - ten minutes of listening to music of various styles. The tests were repeated three times with the same students once a week. The results were processed using the Statistica plus 2009 program. The experiments were carried out on 29 second-year students of VSMA named after. N.N. Burdenko, among which two groups were distinguished: Group I - healthy students (14 people), of which 8 are sympathotonics and 6 are vagotonic; Group II – students with SVD (12 people), of which 9 are sympathotonics and 6 are vagotonic. The division of the examined students into sympathotonics and vagotonics was carried out on the basis of generally accepted rules. [6] As can be seen from Table 1, among students of all groups, both healthy and with SVD, the values ​​of CV before listening to music were within the normal range (from 2.8 to 4.9), which indicated normal intersystem relationships. After listening to rock music, students with SVD of both groups showed a pronounced deviation from the norm. The influence of pop music on healthy students did not reveal significant changes in this indicator. As for Mozart's music,. 250-268.
