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From the author: Short-term positive counseling. Let's understand the concepts. Some people are confused by the term “positivity.” This term can be understood in different ways. Positive – as an attitude with a positive color, an attitude with a plus sign, something that is pleasant, something that you like... Positive – as a given, as present, present. In this sense, the positive is the affirmed. If the second meaning is accepted, although often overlooked, then quite a lot of claims are put forward in relation to the first meaning, the most striking of which is “No matter how much you say “halva,” it will not become sweeter in your mouth.” And this is amazing. Because there is also a physiological justification - imagine a lemon! Just too bright, with all the details! Imagine how a knife, cutting into the skin of a lemon, creates a cloud of splashes... Lemon juice oozes over your fingers, its oily juice is absorbed into the skin... And so we sprinkle half a lemon slice with powdered sugar, the other with finely ground coffee powder..., put lemon on the tongue, be sure to sprinkle it down to add a taste sensation and press it down, first a little, then harder... And what, did you feel it? But we were just imagining, the lemon is only in our imagination, in the picture of our imagination... But the rection is, whatever it is, real! But you say - it won’t... It’s becoming, of course! For we react not only to the object itself, but also to its idea of ​​it. And above all – to his presentation. And so in everything! Only in the case when this idea is not present in our experience, when we come into contact with something for the first time, and when we are open to new experience and do not stuff it with the old one, only then can we react directly to the object (phenomenon) in pure form, directly. It is said: “Be like children.” In childhood, our perception is most pure, open to experience, and therefore is imprinted so deeply, strongly and firmly. Let's take the second meaning - “positivity”, as a positive attitude. Many people are confused (at best, or even indignant) when, while experiencing hardships, you ask them about something else positive... And really, what kind of positive experiences can there be? when a person experiences loss, loss (of work, income, his property, his position in society, his physical integrity, a significant person - separation, divorce, death)?! It’s true, grief, grief is a difficult, deeply painful experience. It will not come to anyone It’s in our heads to deliberately create situations of rupture in order to grow from them. But sometimes it just happens, happens... And yet, at the same time, during the experience of grief, we gain much more - we are filled with the experience of the value of what was lost, we realize its significance for yourself, in the context of your life - can this be called a negative experience? Rather, this experience is positive - as a given, which perhaps still needs to be discovered, and it is also positive, instilling a feeling of bright joy, awareness of the fact that this has befallen one’s lot - to be born and grow healthy, whole, to work, to earn an income, to occupy a special position. social status, to know this person... This experience of bright joy goes along with the experience of loss, the pain of loss, the realization that now this is no longer there. And it, this experience, also exists. And this experience of the pain of loss sets off, making the value of what was lost even more significant, even more valuable. The burden of the experience is that they are present side by side, as if protesting one another, but they are both present. And a person’s task is to integrate both these experiences into one, unified. Then healing is possible, it is not in separating, excluding and suppressing one of them, not in fixating on one thing, positive or negative, but in realizing the presence of both and finding a place in the soul for both experiences in their integrity. To resolve this tasks and requires the active participation of the second - a specialist who understands the essence of these phenomena and is able to support the first, experiencing painful
