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From the author: This fairy tale is about different masks of fear that many people have and manifest themselves in the form of addictive behavior patterns. Addiction is a form of fear, a habitual, uncontrollable behavior that limits the freedom of human desires due to a person's attachment to a specific object: an idea, a feeling, a person, a physical action or a chemical substance. Script for a play about addiction for children and adults The idea for this play came to me a long time ago. I told my listeners at the institute and group participants a lot about addiction, I wanted to show it. So I came up with the idea to clearly show the creative circle of addiction so that everyone could understand it. All the actors in this play played their addictions, including me. It was difficult to overcome my resistance and admit to myself, the actors, and the audience that I also have an addiction, I am an addicted person. New Year. Christmas tree. Addictions gathered to celebrate the holiday. Every addiction tells its own story. Each of them has its own name, its own face. And all these faces are masks of fear. On the stage there is a huge dial with arrows. This is a circle of addiction. Instead of numbers, words: 1. Fear: “If I live the way I want, I will be punished or I will die.” 2. Emptiness. Dissociation. Detachment. The person seems to leave his body and speaks about himself in the second person. He's gone. There is only his body. 3. Choosing a method for filling the void. Smoking. Binge eating. Evoking a feeling that doesn't exist. 4. Habit. Repeating the method of filling the void. 5. Habit protection. A person makes excuses or gets angry, proving that this way of behavior is the most optimal for him. Doesn't want to change his behavior or see new perspectives. Those close to him irritate him with expectations of change. 6. Play by the rules. The mask grows onto the person. He behaves not the way he wants, but the right way. He says the right words that drinking is harmful, you can’t live like that, this is not life. He speaks correctly, but behaves in the old way. 7. Internal dialogue. The feeling of a dead end, a breakdown, a strong feeling of guilt towards oneself and others: “Why am I living? Life hasn't been good. I haven’t done anything in this life.” Characters: Slave of love addiction to falling in love Scarecrow addiction to fear Chatterbox addiction to philosophizing Santa Claus addiction to freebies and alcohol Snow Maiden addiction to perfection Maid addiction to work Aibolit addiction to illness Vinapuh addiction to guilt 1st act Fear There is a Christmas tree on the stage. At the back of the stage there is a dial with two hands hanging on the wall. One arrow always points to fear, the other to the stages of the circle of addiction. All actors enter the stage from the audience, as if on a catwalk, demonstrating themselves and their costume to the music of Eduard Honk for the song “Winter”. The Scarecrow comes out first, turns on the music, demonstrates himself, his outfit and begins to pull the threads on the screen, which stands to the right or left of the audience. It will be used at the end of the performance. Meanwhile, others come on stage, greet and dance, applauding the other actors. After everyone has come out and shown themselves, the chimes strike once, the Scarecrow turns off the music, puts both hands on “Fear,” rings the bell once and says loudly: “If you live the way you want, you will be punished or You will die. The music stops. Someone starts to fuss, someone freezes, someone falls unconscious, etc. He managed to scare everyone. Santa Claus enters, he has a red nose, he’s drunk, his job is to drink at a party, he says the words from the song “Disco Crash - New Year’s”: I am Santa Claus, a beard made of cotton wool, I’m already slightly shabby, They told me they were waiting for me here, So we’ll catch up here. Pour me more wine, I have to carry gifts to Poland With a bag in my hands And in Cossack troopers. We dance next to the Christmas tree, or maybe with a pine tree.Sorry, but the Snow Maiden is not with me now. Let's call her! All the spectators and the Scarecrow call the Snow Maiden: - Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden! The Snow Maiden, bouncing cheerfully, runs onto the stage: - Hello, friends! Here I am! You probably recognized me. I was running near the house and saw you through the window. I look how many guests there are! And the tree is all lit up! And what kind of people are standing here, running, sitting, lying? Scarecrow: - I scared them a little here. Look what's going on. Not life, but a fairy tale. I haven't had this much fun for a long time. Ha-ha-ha! The Snow Maiden comes up to everyone and “unfreezes” them. Everyone starts moving and sits down at the festive table. Santa Claus addresses addictions with the words: “Tell me, who are you, good people, what is your name?” Santa Claus sits on a chair by the Christmas tree, periodically sips alcohol from a bottle, looks, Is there anything I can grab for free? The Snow Maiden sits next to him, takes the bottle and hides it, she is the savior, controls and educates Santa Claus. 2nd act Emptiness Pause. The Scarecrow runs in a circle, rings the bell twice and turns the arrows to empty. The first to introduce himself to the audience and Santa Claus is Chatterbox: - I am Chatterbox, the only sane person here. How I wish all people knew why they live. Everything seems to have a meaning. You just need to find it. There’s an orange peel lying on the ground, for some reason it’s lying there. How is this body objectively existing in space... Santa Claus: - It’s good that you’re trying to understand everything. Here's a new book for you. The chatterbox takes the book: - Thank you. Turns to the Scarecrow: - Well, come here, Scarecrow, why are you trembling there. The Scarecrow comes out: - Who am I trembling?... Well, there is a little. Everyone calls me Scarecrow. For as long as I can remember, you have lived in the garden, scaring crows and thieves. It’s like your job is to be afraid and frighten. Well, you have no other experience. This is how you live: no one loves you, no one will take a liking to you. Eh! And at night you want to sleep, but you can’t, you have to kind of protect the garden. Otherwise, the owners will make a new scarecrow, and they’ll throw me into the trash, an orphan. Santa Claus: - Don’t worry, Scarecrow, here’s a new hat for you. The Scarecrow tries on: - Well, thank you, Morozushko, I’ve been so pleased, so pleased. He says to the audience: - Look, I hope you're scared? No? I’m losing my qualifications. He approaches the audience and scares them: “If you live the way you want, you will be punished or you will die.” Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, tell him to stop, otherwise he will scare away all the spectators, and this is not right . Hey, Scarecrow, come back and behave yourself. He gets up from his seat and leads Scarecrow to the tree. The Servant, the Scarecrow, comes out and frightens her, she shrinks away: “Ugh, you damn thing, you completely frightened me.” I forgot what I wanted to say. Oh yes, my name is Maid. Believe it or not, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, are good people, but I’ll tell you this. When you come to some holiday, you won’t find a place for yourself. This is how many things could have been done during this time. And everyone sits, idle, as if they don’t notice me at all. And so you plow and plow and seem to hate everyone. Now you wash, now you sow a garden bed, now you steal grapes from your neighbor at dawn, and you can’t sleep or lie down. Well, I don’t have time to talk about myself for a long time, there’s so much dust on the floor, I’ll go and clean it up. Santa Claus: - Wait a minute, Maid. Here's your new apron. Maid: - Thank you. This is exactly what I dreamed of. The maid does work on stage and in the hall, wipes dust on the audience’s shoes, etc. She found a job for herself during the holiday. Don't be a Maid. At this time, the Slave of Love comes out: - Well, what have you sprayed here? Stop sweeping the floor. Today is a holiday. I am a femme fatale, and many people call me the Slave of Love, but I don’t think so. Listen to what I tell you about myself. He preens himself, sits on the floor and reads a poem: Ten has struck, there is silence in the house. And I sit and wait tensely. I have no time for books and no time for sleep. What if my loved one calls, what if he comes. Let the evening turn on the starry chandelier, It’s not so late, the day has not yet been lived. It can’tIt could be that he didn’t call. That he wouldn’t remember, it can’t be. “Of course, he was eager more than once. But he had a lot of things to do: this, then that... But he is here with his heart and soul.” THE SNOW MAID approaches the SLAVE OF LOVE: Don’t you know that he never took you into account in anything. He abandoned you a hundred times and returned, He lied a hundred times and was always forgiven. Yes, it’s time to part with him a long time ago. Be proud. Enough to humiliate yourself. Understand: you can’t go on like this. THE SLAVE OF LOVE stands up: And I nodded, sometimes cried. And suddenly I looked pitifully at everyone: But I love... Terribly... Like a sin... And he’s still not so bad! It was useless for me to argue. I keep going into my voluntary captivity. To serve again, to humiliate myself again. And not demand anything in return. SNOW Maiden: Love brings joy to the doorstep. With it it is easier to believe, and dream, and live. But God forbid, as they say, to love like that. Sits on men's laps, etc. Then he returns to the stage and sits down on a chair, sighing languidly. Santa Claus: - Here are new napkins for your tears as a gift. The Slave of Love approaches Santa Claus, takes the napkins and says, sobbing: - Oh, thank you. Your gift is on time. Mine just recently ended. Santa Claus turns to Aibolit: - What’s your name? Aibolit: - Hello, dear guests. I am Aibolit. Sometimes I have oh so much pain, sometimes oh so much pain, almost everything. And then you don’t eat sugar, don’t eat eggs, don’t eat meat, do physical exercise, breathe correctly, and then bam - cancer or sclerosis of the aortic arch. Then you will go to a rheumatologist, a cardiologist, and an allergist. You will torment yourself, make you sick, and you will love yourself like a sweetheart, if it doesn’t work out any other way. Santa Claus: And you, Aibolit, I will give you a new tonometer. So that you can always measure your blood pressure. Aibolit takes the gift and sits down at the festive table: - That’s good. Thank you. Now I will measure the pressure not only for myself, but also for others. Vinapuh gets up and comes out to the audience: “It’s all my fault.” It is because of me that Aibolit is sick. I winapuh. I'm swollen with guilt. I divorced my wife - it's my fault. My wife won’t let me see my daughter – it’s my fault. I can’t change the car - it’s my fault. The manager came and issued an order - it was my fault. The French team did not become champions - it’s my fault. Do you know the Dead Sea? I killed. A traffic cop fined me on the road - it’s my fault. The girl doesn’t love me as much as I would like - it’s my fault. I will never marry a second time - it’s my fault. The elevator is broken - it's my fault. A black cat crossed the road - it’s my fault. It's all my fault. I swell and swell from this guilt. Santa Claus: - Here's a new bag for you, Winapuh. Dress up and plump up The Snow Maiden makes comments to all the actors, and then to the audience: - Excuse me, but you are not living correctly. You can't punish yourself like that. But you, my dear, are breathing incorrectly, you need to breathe through the middle of your stomach, but you only breathe with the upper part of your chest. So you try to do everything right, and no one appreciates it, you teach them, you teach them. Aibolit, this citizen urgently needs to measure his blood pressure... Aibolit takes out a tonometer and runs to the viewer. Santa Claus says: - Well, enough, Snow Maiden, to educate our guests. Today is a holiday for all people, including Snegurka and I, let’s play. Act 3 Choosing a way to fill the void In this scene, dependencies compete for the Snow Maiden's attention. And the Scarecrow continually removes the “noodles” from the Snow Maiden’s ears. After all, the best habit in the world is fear. The Scarecrow knows this for sure. Pause. The scarecrow rings the bell 3 times and sets the arrow to fill the void. The chatterbox stands aside and looks at everyone skeptically. The dependencies stand in a circle, walk around in a circle with the words: “On the Snow Maiden’s name day, we baked a loaf of this height, this width. Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want.” The chatterbox addresses the audience: “They do what they have to do, and not what they want.” Round dances are conducted and walked in a closed circle. Just look at them. A bunch of idiots, there’s no other word for it. The chatterbox stands aside, arms crossed over his chest, looking skeptically at everyone. Then everyone stops and stands in a circle facing the audience. The Snow Maiden walks between dependencies,considers: - Oh, I don’t know who to choose. Grandfather, what do you recommend? Yes, throw your bottle, you better help me. Santa Claus hides the bottle and turns to addictions: - And you will surprise the Snow Maiden, maybe she will choose someone. All addictions offer the Snow Maiden to choose their own way of filling the void, they praise their addiction in every possible way. Chatterbox :- Snow Maiden, I hope you understand that I am your only right choice. Come on, let's philosophize with you. After all, when you philosophize, you don’t sweat. You don’t have to spend money on deodorants, you’ll save money. You will always know the essence of things, feel like the smartest. Imagine, everyone will look at your mouth, admire your intelligence, depth, wisdom, envy you. Snow Maiden: - Boring, melancholy. I don't like reading books. I could use something more fun. The maid pushes Chatterbox away: “Don’t listen to anyone, Snow Maiden.” Listen to what I tell you. It will definitely be more fun. When you work hard, you won't feel empty. You will always have money. You can buy whatever you want. Snow Maiden: - Wow, you can buy yourself a Lexus and go to Turkey? Maid: - Buy it, dear, buy whatever you want. And people will respect and love you for your hard work and reliability. What more does a person need? Love and respect. Snow Maiden: - It’s right to work. I will have a lot of money. And there will be no time to spend. I will be friends with you. Santa Claus approaches the Snow Maiden, pushes the Maid away: - Oh, Snow Maiden, who are you listening to! Why work if you can get everything for free. Listen to what folk wisdom says: - Free beer has no competition. - Sweet vinegar is free too. - Drink in the morning - the day is free. Not life, but an eternal holiday. Come on, let's have a free drink with you! (Pours and hands it to Snow Maiden) What could be better? Again, if you did something, you can blame it on drinking. I don’t remember anything, they say, I was drunk. Everyone is friends with you, they invite you to the table. Here you have love, and glory, and a complete freebie. The Snow Maiden takes the glass in her hands: - Oh, how interesting! When I get tired of work, I will use my money. I'll buy myself a lot of friends for free beer. I'll feel great. And you will be Santa Claus, running after me. If I want, I’ll give you a drink; if I want, I won’t give you a drink. I like it. Here, Santa Claus, drink to my health. The Snow Maiden doesn’t drink it herself, she gives it to Grandfather. Grandfather Frost takes another sip with pleasure. Aibolit pushes Grandfather Frost away: - Don’t listen to this frostbitten one, granddaughter. In the morning, your nose is already red and breathing - at least snack on a cucumber. Listen to me. I always have pain, not here, but here. Once you get sick, like me, everything around you will be uninteresting, only you. And you will carry your beloved self to doctors and tests. While you are sick, Snow Maiden, you live. There are so many kindred spirits in the clinic, prescriptions, new medications, everyone rushes to your aid. But remember, you have to get something serious, like cancer. What about a sore throat or bronchitis? Every fool can do this. And then everyone’s jaws suddenly drop. Everyone only talks about you, wondering if you are still alive. But they won't wait. It is advisable to stretch out this pleasure as long as possible and keep your loved ones at bay: don’t lift anything heavy, don’t get upset, and working in general is deadly. Live for your own pleasure, no one will say a word against. Snow Maiden: - Oh, no, no, Aibolit. I am still young. When I get older, I won’t be able to work so much, then I’ll think about clinics, choose a more serious illness for myself and get sick. Although being sick is bad, ugly... The scarecrow pushes Aibolit away: Eh, Snow Maiden, the best pleasure in the world is simply being afraid. Especially with someone for company. I invite you to fear with me right now. No one has ever made such an offer to you before. Just imagine that the whole hall will now get up and leave. Or one of the spectators will throw a rotten tomato at you. You feel how scary it is! Snow Maiden: - No, it’s not serious to be afraid. I don't want to be afraid. If I'm afraid, I'll stand backstage andtremble, then no one will see me. It’s another matter if there is some kind of flaw... But I don’t have any flaws. Maid, play some music for me. I’ll sing for you. The Snow Maiden sings: “Oh, what bliss it is to know that I am perfection. To know that I am an ideal.” The slave of love approaches the Snow Maiden, pushes the Scarecrow away, takes out lipstick and perfume, straightens her hair: “Oh, Snow Maiden, I’m always at the peak of passions.” I have every minute planned out. I date one man, then another. I have a new outfit for every date. And when I have free time from dating, I talk to everyone about my men, sit in the memories of past loves and in languid anticipation of the next one. I’ll teach you too. Snow Maiden: - Oh, how erotic it is! And very right. I like you too. Vinapuh comes up to Snow Maiden, stands between them: - Yes, it’s erotic. But now I will say something that you will like even more. It's my fault! They pity me, justify me. I'm enjoying it. I am the ruler. I get carried away by this and don’t think about anything. Guilty, that's all. Come to me and you will get real pleasure. Snow Maiden: - I’m melting... The Snow Maiden is at a loss. She has no other experience than being close to her Santa Claus, obeying him and being correct. She slowly glances at Grandfather and sighs, waiting for his hint. The Snow Maiden depends on Father Frost, like all little children depend on adults. But she comes up to Winapuh and sits on his lap. She chose him. Winapuh seduced the Snow Maiden with his fairy tales, and she succumbed to manipulation. Act 4 Habit In this scene, everyone sticks to each other, interrupts, makes noise, as all addicted people do. One Snow Maiden is not enough for them; they also pester each other and the guests. Violence against oneself and others is growing. Pause. The scarecrow rings the bell 4 times, approaches the dial, puts the arrow on the habit. Chatterbox: - At first, this idea seemed tempting to everyone. If this continues, the Snow Maiden will die from the imperfections of this world, Santa Claus from drunkenness, the Scarecrow from fear. Aibolit - from cancer, Vinapuh - from guilt, Maid - from work, Slave of Love - from falling in love, and I - from eternal reasoning. What can you do, I have this habit. He sits down at the table. Santa Claus comes out and says: “Snow Maiden, shame on you.” Little girls don't sit on grown men's laps. This is wrong. The Snow Maiden gets up from her knees. “Yes, sitting on big men’s laps is wrong.” But I'm perfect. I have to do everything right. Santa Claus: - Well done. By the way, Snegurochka, don’t you have an extra bottle of beer lying around, otherwise I’ve run out of everything? Snegurochka gives the bottle: - Well, okay. Just look, this is the last time I'm helping you. I won’t do it again. Santa Claus joyfully: - That’s smart, that’s great. Let's have another drink for free! What should I do if I have this habit? He sticks to everyone, offers me a drink and asks for something. Someone agrees, and someone refuses. The chatterbox approaches Santa Claus, the rest stand in a circle or sit at the festive table: - But let’s philosophize about the meaning of life. What is New Year, for example? This is also a habit. This is a new life, gentlemen. What is new life? This is for everyone in their own way, their own new meaning.... Santa Claus: - Chatterbox, won't you have twenty thousand on loan? Chatterbox, confused: - Where do I get the money? What are you doing? I only know how to speak. The chatterbox turns to the Scarecrow: - Here you are, for example Scarecrow, tell me what is the meaning of existence? Scarecrow: - In fear, of course. Man is made entirely of fear, he was born in order to be afraid himself and to frighten others. If you live the way you want, you will be punished. Oh, how scary. How will all this end today? I'm afraid again and again. This is my habit. “Little children, don’t go for a walk in Africa for anything in the world. In Africa, sharks, in Africa, gorillas, in Africa, large crocodiles will bite, beat and hurt you. Don’t go for a walk, children, to Africa.” Slave of love: - Men, pay attention to me. Let's talk about love instead. I believe that the meaning of life is love. Man is created in loveand for love, men - for women, and women - for men. He pesters Vinapuh: - But you, man, are you married or not? The maid interrupts: - You have only men on your mind. I agree that the meaning of life is love. Yes, not to men, but to work. Santa Claus, let me run to you for a cold beer. - Aibolit, can I bring you a pill? - Slave of love, can I iron your dress? Slave of love: - Why are you pleasing everyone, currying favor with everyone? Let's talk about love. Maid: - About love for work? Slave of love, because this is my habit. Slave of love: - Your love is a nasty habit, and my love is a sweet habit. Aibolit: - Oh, something shot in my back. Oh, it hurts so much, it’s impossible. Maybe someone has peramedon or analgon? Aibolit manages to manipulate everyone. He gets attention. Everyone starts blowing on him, bringing water and tablets. Aibolit: - Well, what can you do, I have this habit. The scarecrow fusses: - Oh, he’s going to die. What to do, what to do? Vinapuh: - It’s all because of me. It’s because of me that Aibolit is sick, the maid at work doesn’t see the white light, Santa Claus doesn’t want to do anything for himself. It was I, the Scarecrow, who looked at you wrong, and you got scared. It was I, the Slave of Love, who scared away all your fans. I ruined the Snow Maiden’s ideal picture of the world, and for the Chatterbox, I’m generally a bad conversationalist. Forgive me, well, forgive me. I have this habit. He sticks to everyone and asks for forgiveness. The Snow Maiden stamps her feet and shouts loudly: “Stop these pesterings immediately.” Stop clinging to each other. It is not right. Well, what kind of holiday are we having? Nobody drank, but you act like you’re drunk. Act 5 Defense of Habit There is a lot of anger in this scene. Nobody wants to give up their native habit. We spent so much time buying it, and now it’s up to you to give it back. NO WAY! Pause. The scarecrow rings the bell 5 times and places the arrow to protect the habit. In this scene, the Scarecrow helps everyone defend the habit. The Snow Maiden says: “Give up this business, because life also has a habit of ending, and you are still the same as before.” Aren't you tired? Look at your watch. New Years is soon. Give me the book, Chatterbox. When the chimes strike, everyone looks at the clock. The Snow Maiden tries to take the book from Chatterbox, he crawls on his knees and does not give it back: - What are you doing? This is Jaspers. Yes, I’ll break your neck for Jaspers, the button is white. The Snow Maiden gets scared, gives the book and walks away. Approaches the Scarecrow: - It’s wrong to be afraid all the time, throw away the cross, you don’t need it. Scarecrow: - I’ll give you the cross, and what do you give me in return? This is something, with a cross it’s somehow more convenient for me. There is something to rely on. And in general, I want to say a toast: my friends, I raise my glass so that you always remain as you are and never change, but be afraid, afraid and afraid. Snow Maiden: Well, walk with your cross until your death . Slave of love, throw away this cosmetic bag and notebook with the phone numbers of your lovers. The one who needs it will find you himself. You will meet me when you stop waiting. Slave of love: I live in fantasies. And this is the most pleasant thing in life. And all my wishes seem to come true. I repeat them often, and this also makes them seem to come true. This is my way of dealing with fear. What will I do without my clothes, cosmetics, addresses, because I need them. I can't live without them. What will I do? I can't live without it. I can't imagine any other life. I will need to learn something different. I don’t know how to do this yet. Snow Maiden: - Leave your men. You are a man without them. Slave of love: - Who should I show off to? I can't imagine how I could live differently. They are so weak. There are so many of them single. My problem is not getting married, but what to do with those who remain. With a song, together with the Scarecrow, he goes to the table: - I will build a harem for four hundred people... The Snow Maiden approaches the Maid and pulls her by the broom into the center towards the audience: - Throw the broom, Maid. Why were you born? To sweep all the time? The maid goes after the Snow Maiden, does not give up: - Snow Maiden, what are you doing? This is how my life works. I justI know how to live. This way I can interact with people. What would I do without a broom? Cleanliness is the key to health. It's not good to live without work. What will I do? Are you stunned? Snow Maiden: - It’s not I who’s stunned, but you. How can you live like this? Always work and work, serve others. Life chose me too. This is wrong! We must enjoy life. Man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight. The maid leaves, and the Snow Maiden turns to Vinapuh: “Take off these bags, Vinapuh, it’s hard to walk through life with them, they’re heavy.” What did you put here? Open your bags. Winapuh gets up from the table and also doesn’t want to give the Snow Maiden his bag: “Make your own guilt and bags like this.” They warm me and caress me. I feel comfortable with them. Please forgive me, but I won't give you my bags. After all, then all that will be left of me is fluff. How can I live then? Snow Maiden: - That’s great. Throw away your bags and become as light as feathers. Vinapuh says sarcastically: “Forgive me, but I won’t give it back!” He adjusts the bags and goes to the table demonstratively. Snow Maiden: “Well, stay with your bags.” Aibolit, why have you fallen apart? Now we’ll all get together and pick you up piece by piece. Aibolit: - Leave me alone, little one, what do you understand in life. When you are sick, everyone loves you and takes pity on you. Everything is presented to you on a silver platter. Snow Maiden: - They only feel sorry for you. This is not love. Aibolit: - Well, at least they’ll regret it, and that’s good. Snow Maiden: - It’s better when they love you and you love. Give me your purse. Aibolit shouts loudly: “I won’t give it, I won’t give it.” Illness is my habit. The Snow Maiden cries: - I want everything to be perfect, don’t you understand? This is my habit. Act 6 Playing by the rules In this scene, everyone plays by the rules. They say what other people want to hear from them. There is a lot of pathos and theatricality in their words. The scarecrow walks in a circle and rings the bell 6 times, puts the arrow on the game according to the rules. Santa Claus stands on a chair and says theatrically: - Listen, but the Snow Maiden is right. Snow Maiden, good people, I promise you that I won’t drink anymore and I won’t look for freebies either. That's it, it's time to quit. I'll start on Monday. I want, brothers, to build my own life with my own mind and hands. He sits down on his chair and puts the bottle far away from himself, but so that it can be seen. The Snow Maiden stands on her chair: - Yes, Santa Claus, your truth. But I’m good too: perfect through and through. Is it possible to be so demanding of yourself and people? I don’t forgive myself for mistakes and neither do others. He takes off his chain and wraps it around his hand. Scarecrow: - I, too, am afraid and afraid. Tired of it. It's time for me to come to my senses. Tomorrow I quit, I won’t work as Scarecrow anymore. I understood and realized everything. He hides the cross behind the Christmas tree. The chatterbox sits in the pose of a philosopher: he holds his head theatrically: - Eh, I talk a lot, brothers, I philosophize, and all the energy is spent on this, but my hands don’t get to the point. It’s time for me, perhaps, to move from words to action. He throws the book on the floor carelessly and immediately picks it up, carefully shakes it off and puts it next to him. Slave of love: “And I, girls, think so: why do I need these men.” They are nothing but problems. And I don’t need them, well, not at all. He takes off his jewelry and hides them in his purse. Maid: “I’ve only seen work in my life.” And now I feel that I can see much more and more interesting for myself. I need to see people, communicate with them, and not just serve. Throws the broom to the side and immediately takes it back. Winapuh: - You’re right, Maid, no one appreciates that I take the blame for everyone. No one said: “Thank you, Winapuh, that you swell from my mistakes and take responsibility for my life.” Eh, I'm a fool, a fool. He will defiantly take off one bag. Aibolit: - You need to stop being sick. After all, life is so beautiful all around, but it goes on alone. And it’s time for me, too, to see and hear others, otherwise I listen to myself all the time. This, of course, is good, but my world becomes very poor from self-contemplation. It's just me there. But there are people around with their own feelings and desires. Aibolit takes the tonometer off his hand and puts it in his bag.Act 7 Internal dialogue The holiday ends and the circle of dependence comes to an end. This is how human life has a habit of ending. Some of our heroes will walk in this circle all their lives. Some will come out of it right in this scene, others a little later. There are a lot of pauses, sadness and disappointment in this scene. No one can do this for them. You will have to make a choice yourself sooner or later. Everyone sits around the table and talks about their dreams, their doubts. Some with sadness and disbelief, and some with optimism and faith. Everyone has a feeling of guilt towards themselves for the life that could have happened if..... The Scarecrow rings the bell 7 times and puts the arrow on the internal dialogue. Chatterbox: - For some reason I don’t believe you. “It’s a fresh addition, but it’s hard to believe.” What will you do, Slave of love, if you don’t constantly fall in love and think about men? What will you do with your freedom? Slave of love: - Do I really live as I say? I want to live as I say and even better. Only I doubt whether I can, because not everything is within my power. Life flies by in a blink of an eye. The children have grown up. What have I seen in my life? What is the right way to live for me? The Slave of Love asks the Maid: - And you, Maid, what will you do if you stop working and serving others? Maid: My life is a continuous routine. And now I understand that you can create, create, and not carry out the will of others, serve others. I myself can create this new happiness. I just don’t know yet what to create and what to create. But I feel that I really want to create and create myself. And you, Vinapuh, what will you do if you stop feeling guilty? Vinapuh: - It’s bad for me to feel guilty. Because guilt brings a lot of negative experiences: I don’t consider myself confident, but I think I’m guilty. When I'm guilty, I become lazy, not smart, and I get down. I want to break out of this circle. Stop feeling guilty already. I want to take responsibility for my life, and not for someone else’s. Addresses Aibolit. “Aibolit, what will you do if you stop getting sick?” After all, a healthy person has a lot to do. Aibolit: - This is what I’m thinking about: do I love myself when I’m sick? No, this is pity, but I want love. I really want self-love. If I have it for myself, I will have it for others too. I will see others. What goes around comes around. I want to be with people and share love with them. And you, Snow Maiden, what will you do when you stop being perfect? ​​Snow Maiden: - I also want to be with people. Great demands on myself and others alienate me from people, because no one is ideal. As soon as I see the ideal person, I am immediately disappointed. And I want to be with people myself, as I really am with shortcomings and mistakes. And then I will be able to accept others with their shortcomings, because they are living people, not gods. The Snow Maiden turns to Santa Claus: - Grandfather Frost, imagine that the freebies are over in your life and you are no longer Santa Claus. What then? What will you do? Santa Claus: - What are you talking about, Snow Maiden? Can the freebie end? The freebies are endless. You know, Snow Maiden, what I understood: moonshine is our enemy, we must drive it away, drive it and drive it. Snow Maiden: - Go to hell..., Santa Claus. Tired of being perfect. I won't raise you anymore. Get yourself out of your addiction as you wish. Santa Claus: - And you Scarecrow, what will you do when you stop being afraid Scarecrow: - Well, is it possible to stop being afraid? What are you saying, Santa Claus? I’ll just change jobs and go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They'll give me a nice uniform and a good salary, and I'll finally take off my rags. And you, Chatterbox, how will you live without philosophizing? Chatterbox: - My task is to believe in yourself and others and teach others to believe. But is it possible to teach to believe? Here the Scarecrow says again: “So, for some reason I don’t like you.” We started talking about the meaning of life. I tried so hard, built my circle of dependence, I wanted everyone to have a place there. What are you up to? - Snow Maiden, how are you without your perfection? You start behaving incorrectly, and what if it turns out to be drugs or alcohol or bad company. - Maid, what does it mean??
