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My years of studying at school, university, and working as an engineer occurred during the Soviet years. The principle of socialism was “From each according to his ability! To each according to his work!” My work was rewarded fairly. At school, for excellent studies - certificates of honor, respect from classmates, teachers. For excellent studies in the specialty "Rocket Science" I received an increased scholarship. After graduation, I worked at the State Rocket Center. Responsible and important work was highly rewarded financially. Engineers were required to perform their job duties with high quality. Remuneration for work was a matter of the state. My private professional activities as a psychologist and coach are carried out in market conditions. In my activities, I have made a habit of focusing on the high-quality performance of my professional duties, a serious approach to business. I have helped many of my clients become confident and happy, build harmonious family relationships, open your own business, become financially successful. She herself was not financially successful. I lived in the beliefs of the past: from each according to my ability, expecting rewards for my work from others. This is how my automatic thinking worked, that the results of my work should be rewarded by someone from outside. This led me to energy exhaustion. I often thought that I was mistaken in exchanging my successful job as a design engineer at the Rocket Center for the work of a psychologist and coach. I motivated myself by reading hundreds of reviews from my clients. I convinced myself that my work was very important, even more important than designing rockets. I really think so! What could be more important in life than helping people become happy, healthy, successful! I want to help people become happy, successful, healthy people! This is my calling! But can I do it? I can, because I have a high-quality education as a psychologist, coach, and vast experience. Is this enough?! Recently I had an insight: if I don’t urgently put things in order in the balance of giving and taking, and don’t take responsibility for my financial reward, then I won’t be able to follow my calling. I may not exist at all! I'm exhausted. I gave too much and for a long time, without receiving, with rare exceptions, fair financial remuneration. I realized that, having organized my activities on a private basis, I myself must take care not only of the high-quality provision of services, but also of making a profit. This is also my responsibility! This also needs to be learned! And now I’m learning how to run a successful business as a psychologist and coach. This will give me an important internal resource state in the work of a psychologist and coach. It will further increase my motivation to help my clients efficiently, quickly, and reliably! And then I will be able to help charity those in need, but who are unable to pay for consultation or coaching. #psychologistNarnitskaya#coach
