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From the author: The article was first published here To perform this technique, you will need a regular Christmas tree and regular Christmas tree decorations. Take a box of toys and choose the one from them that most symbolizes one of your greatest successes in the outgoing 2012. Take this toy and remember that event, remember the feelings that you had before it, during this event and after it. Try to live this feeling as much as possible. Remember that event in as much detail as possible. And after being in this state for some time, hang this toy on the Christmas tree. Now look at other toys and choose one that would remind you of another important event in 2012, another success, victory, good luck. Also remember him in detail, and, most importantly, the feelings that you experienced then. live these feelings and hang this toy on the Christmas tree. Continue sorting through the toys, remembering your successes in different areas of life: in relationships with your spouse, children, in work, career, health, brightness of life, etc. Each time, remember that event, that victory of yours, in as much detail as possible, remember your experiences associated with these situations and after that decorate your Christmas tree with a new ball, symbolizing another victory this year. Now in front of you is not just a Christmas tree - it’s a Christmas tree of your successes. Walking past it in detail and stopping your gaze on these toys, every time you will remember what was important in this outgoing 2012. Find out how this will help you find your favorite job here
