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From the author: Published for the first time Recently, I once again enjoyed watching the film “A Beautiful Mind” and this phrase of the main character (“She’s not growing”) really stuck with me soul... This revelation came to Professor Nash after many years of “communication” with his hallucinations... Those who saw this film remember that the main character, Professor Nash, was an incredibly talented scientist and created many outstanding works on control theory, while he suffered schizophrenia... For a long time, as it happens, he had no idea about his illness and lived with his hallucinations - a friend, his younger sister, a colonel... The phrase: “I understood. She’s not growing!” he told his wife, who was with him “in sorrow and in joy”... and in his illness... about the hallucination girl... After many years of overcoming the disease and after another attack with hallucinations, at the moment of enlightenment, the professor realized that the girl was not real ... because she is not growing... For a person who has decided to overcome his illness, despite the fact that, as his doctor said: “This problem cannot be solved in a logical way, because it is located inside the brain,” the conclusion is that the girl with which Professor Nesh communicated over many years, did not grow, became a real revelation... After this, the professor’s life had many long happy and different years, filled with work, love for his wife and son, for his friends and for his students, and, in the end , recognition in scientific circles! In my opinion, this is an incredible, wonderful and true (at the end of the film they write about this) story about a man who did not give up! A story about the magical power of love between a professor and his wife, who always believed in him and helped him in everything, no matter what... And that you can’t be REAL IF YOU DON’T GROW.
