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A low level of awareness at the mental level is a common reason why it is very difficult to maintain attention and focus on something important. This can apply to both everyday matters and big goals that remain only on paper. Very often I hear from clients, and especially during emotional intelligence diagnostics, the following complaints: - it is difficult to concentrate and maintain attention; - it is difficult to stick to a planned plan; - I am often distracted or distracted from my work; - I cannot control the flow of thoughts; - often I experience anxiety and various fears; - I worry a lot about the future or reflect on the past. Many of these points become habitual automatisms of a person and he does not realize what is happening to them. Meanwhile, all this is the cause of low levels of personal effectiveness and dissatisfaction with one’s own life. There is a very important thought in the subconscious: “I know that I can do more, better and more efficiently, but my energy is directed to something else and I don’t manage it.” To get out of this vicious circle, it is very important to understand where the focus of attention or psychic energy? Fears, worries, social networks, excessive help to others, a lot of things to do without understanding their priority? Sometimes we waste our energy on actions that absolutely do not lead to our goals, sometimes we waste energy on thinking and doubt, and sometimes on inaction and procrastination. And this becomes habitual strategies, automatisms that organize our lives. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with automatisms. Let me remind you that automatism is an action that a person performs mechanically, without first thinking about the order of actions, without realizing his desires and intentions. At some point, automatism becomes a system and a way of life. Automatisms help us save a lot of energy and allow us not to think about every action. The only question is what kind of automaticity is this? And here awareness as a skill is very important. The ability to realize the automatisms that reduce the quality of your life is an important task that allows you to influence this mechanism. Disorder of consciousness, negative emotional states, automatic effective actions and much more become controllable after realizing these automatisms. It is in our power and in the zone of our control what exactly to make automatic behavior, what useful habits to implement and what lifestyle to create in order to get maximum pleasure from every day! Detailed information about emotional intelligence is on the website and in the telegram channel
