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Astrological forecast for November 2017. November is a relatively calm and stable month - there are no sharp changes and very outstanding events. The opposition of Venus and Uranus on November 4 can give a surge of feelings and emotions, lead to both quarrels with partners and sudden love at “first sight” - both for a person, so to things. But the first impression will be deceiving and will lead to disappointment in the future. Therefore, keep your feelings “in check” 2 days before and for 2 days after the exact aspect. On November 5, Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius. And for people with affected Mercury, this can lead to verbiage, scattering of interests, impulsiveness in statements and movements. Political and advertising campaigns and propaganda activities are intensifying – calls to action. On November 7, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio. Feelings become dramatic and penetrate to the depths of the Soul. Sensitive people are especially vulnerable - they are easily hurt without even knowing it. The craving for mysticism, esotericism, and the other world becomes a favorite pastime. Also, all representatives of secret societies and the secret societies themselves, esotericists, mystics, sorcerers and sorceresses are becoming especially popular and attractive. The line between sex and love is blurred, substitution of concepts and confusion between them may occur. The emphasis on sexuality will also prevail during this period. Lilith enters Capricorn on November 9th. And all Capricorn “plugs” become obvious and pointed, especially while Lilith is in the first 3 degrees of the sign. This could be “donkey stubbornness,” economy bordering on greed, or, conversely, unjustified squandering, careerism and workaholism that go beyond the bounds of decency. Any structure can also begin to collapse - from family, enterprise to government. The hematopoietic, immune defense and musculoskeletal systems are especially vulnerable. Mercury enters the loop on November 15th. Be attentive to current events for those who have planets and important points at 13-30 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, and to a lesser extent Aries and Leo. Programs that need to be worked out during Mercury retrograde (December 3-23) will be raised. Awareness and the attitude: “What am I learning from this situation” is the best way to solve all problems. Let me remind you that we do not learn to suffer, take revenge, be afraid, manipulate, plunge others into fear, and the like. This is self-sabotage. The square of Mars and Pluto on November 19 (3-4 days before and after the exact aspect) provokes conflicts, increased injuries, and increases aggression. The aspect gives a lot of energy and can be used for good - for the implementation of labor-intensive projects if you know how to manage it. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22. Your work can become the property of the masses and gather fans and followers, and even reach the international level. It is useful to harmonize the heart rate and respect the boundaries of other people. Interest in religion, philosophy, as well as travel, studying foreign languages, and expanding the scope of one’s activities is increasing. For people prone to high blood pressure, this is a period of particular risk. On the same day, Neptune becomes direct, which increases interest in art, music, psychology, and spirituality. The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn on November 28 can give both concentration and difficulty in formulating thoughts, conflict situations, a state when we simultaneously “press both the gas and the brake,” which negatively affects the nervous system. The risk of diseases arising from overexertion increases. This could be a convulsive syndrome, an increase in blood pressure and intracranial, intraocular pressure, panic attacks, etc. Take care of relaxation in advance.
