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Quite often, when counseling Women who are in love addiction, the topic of dissatisfaction, both moral, mental and physical, comes up. Often these Women have sex with a man not at all because they want sex with him. But what is the reason for destructively dependent women to have sex with a man, and what reasons for this wonderful activity could be considered healthy. Anti-reasons1. He is handsome. Although he behaves unworthily, he is also handsome, which means he is kind, which means... and the illusion develops further. And from sex it develops many times more.2 He’s rich or famous, I’m flattered how to refuse someone like that. After all, that’s who he is!!! And she is already inside her illusions in a veil, and in most cases, even if a man is wealthy, after receiving sex he does not always give flowers to such a woman. After all, she herself demonstrates to him how low she values ​​herself.3. He has done so much for me recently and he wants to. He took you to work or went for a walk with you and it feels like a feat!!4. If I don’t do this with him, then He will go to someone else. Now I will satisfy him with myself so that he doesn’t run away, she thinks. But these thoughts of hers are definitely reflected in the quality of sex and men even more often begin to look for it on the side. And, even if she performs all the miracles of sex, uses all the methods and toys, this will not make the sex truly high-quality. Since sex is still a manifestation of physical love, first for yourself!5. How else can I tie him to myself6. Relieve tension7. Feel a closeness that doesn’t exist (if he sleeps with me, it means he loves me)8. He promised me something in words, which means it is important to consolidate it with sex and then he will definitely do it. After such sex, a woman usually feels empty and used and, of course, does not receive what she expected to receive. He becomes even more dependent on this Man, because he gives too much, but receives nothing in return. In most cases, he does not even experience orgasm. Psychosomatic diseases begin to develop. Women gradually scold themselves with resentment, jealousy, and dissatisfaction. They are looking for love, but there is no love there, only pain. The reason for having sex for a woman in a healthy partnership is love, trust and her own sincere desire. Sex as a continuation of a love relationship, and not as its beginning. The merging of souls first and only then the merging of bodies. You can find other materials on the topic of getting out of Dependency and Codependency among my articles, including THESE: addiction therapy - structure addiction - learning to understand your feelings foundation of self-esteem - values ​​signs of NOT healthy personality boundaries If the article was interesting and useful to you - click "Say Thanks" If recognized yourself and need help - sign up for a consultation HERECourse for independent work on yourself
