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!!Stimuli for waking up in a dream!! Modern culture is still built on the primal need for authoritarian beliefs and unquestionable knowledge. Lucid dreaming is the best simulator for developing the gift of doubt, the ability to remain in a state of openness, uncertainty, the ability to feel and see more than is already in the picture of the world. Self-awareness in a dream is a simple skill that each time allows you to hold on longer pay attention and remain clear. And the main value is a new experience that remains in the morning as an aftertaste after a trip. Physiological experience, such as a feeling of weightlessness and flight, the sensation of breathing under water, the manifestation of unusual physical capabilities in a dream, transforms self-perception: the feeling of flight continues in reality; breathing becomes subtly different - fuller and energetically deeper; after a yogic experiment in a dream, the spine tends to a more correct position... But the most significant experience that lucid dreams give is the experience of loneliness, spiritual freedom. No one can evaluate me in a dream, and I don’t evaluate, I just balance like a butterfly in the streams of attention. Lucid dreams balance the personality, there is no status, no frozen ideas, morals, beliefs - everything is moving, everything is alive, everything is pure energy, which is controlled only by the degree of awareness. !!The world through the eyes of the creators!! There is a perspective that allows you to more clearly understand waking dreams - the point of view of the authors of ideas, creators of objects, images, the shared reality in which we live. If you watch not even a feature film, but a documentary film from the point of view of a director or screenwriter, then you instantly get context, in in which the reality of the movie turns out to be much less than the real thing. The artist’s point of view on the picture makes it possible to see the inner world, the personality of the author himself, his time. Reading a book from the writer’s point of view means fully realizing that its contents are only thoughts, memories, constructions of a particular person, but not a shared reality. History through the eyes of historians, modern reality through the eyes of those who inform about it... These people do not create the world, they only give the illusion of completeness of the picture. Looking at the control system to which you are subject, from the point of view of its inventor, gives an awareness of the game, and then - more meaningfully accept its conditions or not. Realizing beliefs through the mind and experience of their authors, you are no longer infected by them, understanding more clearly how such judgments are private and relate to reality, environment, time, and the activity of a particular person, but cannot be generalized. !!Culture is a dream!! Any creativity is always joint and always remains with the sign of infinity. Books are refracted in the minds of every reader, acquiring new meanings, interpretations, and emotions. Any work or technology, any result will continue to change. This is a living, changing culture, it does not stop for a moment. There is no stability in it. The perception of classical paintings, films, is updated even during one life, how does it transform after a generation? The results of any creativity cannot be saved. The perception and use of works or methods does not exist separately from someone else’s consciousness, from the value system of other people. The role of the creator is conditional; creativity continues to be filled with new meanings and perceptions after him. The position of the reader, viewer, listener, user is also conditional - it is his consciousness that has the ability to recognize or forget something, it is his perception that creates. !!Home for consciousness!! Logic, language, intellect are a natural extension of the environment. Singing and speech most likely appeared due to the imitation of the sounds of wind, rain, bursting bubbles, the hissing of a fire... Any images, symbols have the same origin. Growth and decay, life and death, light and dark, up and down - all these are unshakable foundations, onwhich our logic is based on. If even one of these building blocks disappears, the mind will stop working. The mind imitates the environment and imitates the way people have chosen to survive. Any idea that arises in the head is a small house in which there are unconscious walls, given conditions, floor and ceiling - frames of the real and the unreal, the true and the false. Every religion or theory, system of beliefs or knowledge is a home in which it is cozy and comfortable to stay, a refuge from the real world in which there is no certainty, completeness, every explanation is the beginning of new explanations. By naively identifying yourself with your unconscious model of the world, you turn into a pitiful creature, for whom the entire cosmos is four walls. Self-realization does not give a feeling of freedom and happiness when you carry out only those programs that are permitted in strictly defined religious or semi-religious ideas about the faithful life. The more primitive this cell, the more authoritative opinions, demands and traditions it contains, which cannot be questioned or even compared with ordinary logic. But a home for consciousness is not necessarily just an archaic system of restrictions, where everything is determined by rigid traditions. This house is a system of possibilities, a zone of comfort, peace, inner silence, in which something new can be born and develop. The art of dreaming allows you to realize yourself within your models, to see what contexts underlie perception, goals: to wake up inside the house, to realize your walls, the inevitable the tendency to generalize, repress and exaggerate something, to recognize blind beliefs. Become aware of yourself: remember the origin of beliefs, notice what contexts are unconsciously implied - all this will allow you to make your model of the world more functional and smarter over time. !!Self-identification!!!! !!Self-identification is the deepest waking dream. Self-identification needs some kind of constancy, accuracy, confidence, but if at least once you get the insight that I am not necessarily something that is understandable and known, then you even pronounce the word “I” differently. The sense of self contains so many gaps and generalizations that it is actually a dream. There is nothing you can do about it except be aware of it every moment. Instead of habit comes real self-experience. It is difficult to explain why, the more reality in the perception of one’s own body and soul, the more mystical the experience becomes... !!No instinct, no search!! In a lucid dream, the usual motive to take possession of the surrounding space and resources does not operate. And there, at least for a moment, you can feel real freedom without stereotypes and strategies of perception, which are dictated by the primitive need for the survival of the species. In a dream you don’t need to look for something specific, because you won’t gain anything. A greedy search for new experiences, new opportunities is still an instinct of self-preservation. Even emptiness is already enough to observe it, to immerse yourself in it, to realize it from the inside. There is no point in just accepting or rejecting experience as edible and harmful. If you don’t bring your philistine goals into the dream, then you immediately get everything: the opportunity to see, play with reality, love and enjoy this endless world without any logical, spatial or temporal restrictions. In a dream, there is no need to seek refuge, to remain within the framework of the familiar and understandable. There is no need to imitate or use other people's experience: the small enlightenments from which awareness in a dream is woven are a refutation of previous experience, stories, and other people's descriptions. This is a free fall into complete uncertainty layer by layer, the absence of any unchanging strategies, values ​​and beliefs, and an unusual feeling that moves and gives energy, beyond any practical benefit and self-realization.!! !!!!Confidence!!!! !!For a person, unfortunately, it is still natural to consider the whole planet as his home, not to explore, but to capture attention, absorb, occupy new spaces, build.
