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The magic of hypnosis is an undeniable fact. Do you want to become a wizard and help, convince, heal? This means that you should learn Ericksonian hypnosis. A good specialist, a professional teacher, can provide you with an extensive collection of hypnotic approaches that allow you to find access to any people and a wide variety of conditions, allowing you to influence others and understand that they are trying to influence you. But before you decide to learn classical or Ericksonian hypnosis, it is worth understanding and learning what hypnosis is. The key to successful hypnosis is the unconscious mind. It is what holds information that is outside our consciousness and controls our sensations. In general, if you take a closer look at a person, you will begin to understand that a person is made up of many relatively autonomous intelligent systems. Firstly, there is a “mind” of cells, thanks to which, for example, metabolism occurs in the body. Secondly, the activity of internal organs, secretion glands, blood circulation, etc. is also in charge of his “mind”. Thirdly, our unconditioned reflexes are controlled by a special rational part of consciousness, more precisely, the subconscious. It is the activity of these three systems that is usually called unconscious, since it is beyond the control of the mind. Hypnosis works with our unconscious, addresses it through certain settings, techniques, trance .Classical hypnosis is best known to most people. You can probably remember this picture: the overwhelming gaze of a hypnotist, a harsh, authoritative voice making a direct suggestion, forcing you to fall asleep on the count of “three.” Direct subordination of wills is, of course, an extreme case of classical hypnosis, which is rare in its pure form, but nevertheless , available. It’s just unreasonably difficult. Ericksonian hypnosis, unlike classical hypnosis, uses a softer approach, addressing directly the client’s unconscious. Instead of subordination and direct commands, it uses connection to the client’s reality, and commands are built in the form of offering some “opportunity” or “choice options”. So, if a classical hypnotist says: “on the count of three you will go into a trance,” then an Ericksonian will say: “you can go into a trance whenever you want: on the count of two, on the count of three, or right now...” Thus - Ericksonian hypnosis - probably the most comfortable psychological direction of all. The name of this type of hypnosis comes from the name of its creator, the greatest hypnotherapist, Milton Erickson. Milton Erickson was not just a talented psychologist, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, but he was also a brilliant communicator. Correct effective communication is especially important now, in our twenty-first century, as it brings success, affects relationships, career, money and even health. If a person is a good communicator, he is what is called “on horseback” in life and in communicating with people. This is the first answer to the question - why study hypnosis? In fact, many students take hypnosis courses to improve their communication skills. Hypnosis also helps with learning in general. Trance is a very useful state for learning. Since information is accumulated and stored at an unconscious level, trance can be an effective means of accessing this information. Do you need to quickly learn a poem, prepare for a speech, successfully pass an exam, or learn a lecture? All this can be done more quickly and efficiently while in a state of trance. In addition, using trance in the learning process is an extremely pleasant experience. Here is one of the learning techniques, which is based on the form of gaze fixation described by James Brad: “Choose a point on the wall just above eye level, which you can look at by directing your gaze upward. Look at this point and try to relax completely. Please note that after a few seconds of staring at one point, your consciousness will begin to wander around the periphery. You will begin to see things.
