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Many people know about the drama triangle (Karpman triangle). This is a relationship model proposed by Stephen Karpman that is often used in psychotherapy. According to this model, in certain circumstances people can occupy certain social roles: Persecutor - Victim - Rescuer At the same time:... The victim is actually not as helpless as he feels; The Rescuer doesn’t really help, and the Persecutor doesn’t really have any justified claims...At the same time, outside observers speak extremely negatively about each of this role, blaming the victim, belittling the rescuer, ignoring the pursuer. The dramatic triangle is subject to all sorts of criticism, and indeed, It is perhaps extremely reckless to try to reduce human relationships (even if these relationships are played out according to the principle of a triangle) to certain roles. Nevertheless, based on these criteria, one can see opportunities for self-development. So, for example, the realization of his inclinations in the professional field (firefighter, doctor, psychologist, etc.) helps a person to get out of the role of “Rescuer”, etc..” Victim “What helps is a strong-willed step that she must decide to take. Often people who know the concept of the triangle (and even psychologists) argue that it is impossible to support the victim. But that's not true. It is very important to give a person in a position of victimization the support that he was deprived of in childhood. This is not an easy task, and it is important for a specialist to be patient when working with such clients, but with the right approach, sooner or later the victim becomes capable of taking that very step. As for the “Persecutor,” these are deeply traumatized people, often psychopaths. Unfortunately, such individuals extremely rarely turn to specialists for help, but if you are “lucky enough” to meet them, it is important to work through the situations that led to this role. But by perceiving the participants of the triangle exclusively from the position of a “defect,” we miss an important component of their personality - the healthy part, which also needs to be realized and revealed in therapy. Few people know, but Karpman himself proposed an alternative to the drama triangle, namely, the triangle of compassion. Compassion triangleVictim -> Vulnerability/Openness. The other side of the “Victim” coin is Openness. There is deep empathy here, a willingness to accept feelings - both your own and others. Such people have well-developed emotional intelligence, they are able not to judge, not to criticize, and to accept others as they are. They know how to reveal their feelings, admit them to themselves sincerely, without prejudice. It also contains self-awareness, confidence, and also courage. It is not for nothing that the “Victim” is considered the most powerful figure in the “triangle” - precisely due to all those components of her personality that are hidden for one reason or another. Rescuer -> Resourcefulness. U " Rescuer" has a well-developed creativity. He knows how to use the necessary resources when planning his further actions. These are inquisitive and courageous people who are able to abandon their own “ego” if they see more effective options for solving a problem. Such people are extremely resilient, overcome difficulties well in their life path, they clearly see the differences between desires and reality and are able to bridge this gap by creative approach. When faced with insurmountable obstacles, a person can accept it, resign himself and abandon the usual in favor of more successful options. Pursuer -> Perseverance. True leaders are in this role - responsible, decisive, purposeful. Their aggression, if they find the right application for it, can lead them to great success. Difficulties do not frighten such people, they allow them to move forward, subjugating any rules and views. The main difference from the direct role of the “Persecutor” is the ability to take on take responsibility for your actions and decisions.Have you ever noticed yourself in any of these roles? If yes, then in?
