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If a person is asked a question about what he lacks for happiness, most often his answers will be around self-realization. For example: - a happy family life - mutual understanding with family - a successful professional career - authority among colleagues and friends - interesting leisure - health in the end. There is much more to list. All this, when combined, can be attributed to the topic of separation. The less separated a person is from his parents, the less satisfied he is with the above points. During a consultation, the topic of separation is not immediately approached. Let me remind you that separation is a gradual process of psychological separation from parents. This process is life-long. And it is a dance of merging with parents - separation from them - rapprochement again. And each time in this dance there is less tension and expectations - from oneself and from parents. This is if a person is ready to face his separation processes, recognize his dependence, develop his autonomy, accumulating resources. And if you avoid separation processes and blame the whole world for imperfection, then self-realization remains something out of reach. You can realize yourself in one area, compensating for gaps in other areas. For example, you can be a successful specialist, but at the same time family and recreation are pushed back. Or, on the contrary, devote yourself to family life, sacrificing professional development. You can be a parent and a good specialist, but work too hard, not asking for help and forgetting about taking care of yourself. All this is also about incomplete separation. Without going through separation, we remain in a dependent childish position, waiting for someone to give us what we need, as it was in childhood. Let it be at the cost of suffering, patience, obedience. We have to wait for permission. Often the position of people who are afraid of separation is to say: I am not afraid of not surviving without my parents. I cope with everything on my own, this was the case even in childhood. But if I leave my parents now, I will deprive myself of the chance to grow up. Find out what kind of Adult I am to my parents. Such people strive to find a person who fits the role of the Ideal Parent. The role of the Ideal Parent can be a partner in a relationship, a boss, a teacher... From whom recognition and support are expected. It's normal to need recognition and support. Provided that they remain an auxiliary motivation on the path to growing up, and not the main one. For a huge number of people, adulthood and freedom are punishment. This means that they simply could not find a suitable relationship that would hide them from the uncertainty and responsibility in this life. I am glad to help you find answers to your questions +79529567068
